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"Sanji, she'll be okay." Vivi assured him as Vitani opened Nami's mouth. She lifted her tongue, squinting.

"There's no bug. Plus, her nose isn't bleeding. This isn't what I had." She looked back.

"Well what do we do?" Sanji asked as Vivi shrugged.

"Is she dead?" Luffy chirped.

"I don't know, we don't have a doctor here." Vivi pointed out. "Maybe we should take her to an island."

"Island?" Usopp asked.

"-Is she dead-?"

"We can't go to just an island, Vitani said it earlier; we have bounties now." Usopp hummed as Sanji gritted his teeth.

"So what do we-"

"Is she dead?"

"Shut up Luffy!" Sanji yelled. Vitani sat down and sighed.

"We have no other choice than to sit here and wait. Yeah, we can find a doctor but until then Nami will need much mental support. So sitting here sulking and crying won't help!" She snapped. She looked back at Nami as she slowly stood.

"I'm fine you guys." She laughed weakly, Vitani narrowing her eyes. She stumbled up the steps, Vitani following slowly as nami wobbled against the rail. Vitani reached the top of her stairs behind Nami, crossing her arms.

"I know you want to help, but making it worse on yourself is not doing any good." Vitani spoke. "Go inside and rest, please."

Nami looked back and sighed. She walked past Vitani, nearly collapsing before Vitani extended her arm so Nami fell over it. She grunted, carefully picking her up. She placed her down onto the bed, sighing.

Vitani turned to the door at yells and grunts, stepping outside to see Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji fighting off pirates. Her ear twitched as a gun was placed to the side of her head, glancing to her side to see a man.

"you're dead." the pirate snapped. She smirked, turning and grabbing the his gun. His companion fired, missing and hitting the man before Vitani kicked and knocked him back. As they fled to their ship, Vitani glanced at the other Straw Hats.

"Are you all okay?" Usopp called, Zoro panting beside Sanji who had lit a cigarette.

"Yeah!" Luffy called, Vitani retuning to Nani's room. She sat down on the floor, looking up as Sanji stepped inside. One by one, they piled inside, Vitani laying between Usopp and Sanji on the floor.

They woke the following morning to see that it had snowed, Vitani stepping out. She looked at the snow in awe as Zoro threw a coat over her head.

"You don't need to get sick." He huffed as she slowly put on the oversized coat. She zipped it up, looking down at the bottom of the brown coat which fell just below her knees.

"Hey, there's an island!" Luffy suddenly announced, Zoro and Vitani looking up.

"Good." Sanji stepped out, lighting a cigarette. "Maybe they have a doctor."

"Hopefully food!" Luffy drooled, Zoro scoffing.

"Be serious, Luffy!" Vitani reminded him although his attention was on the island rather than her. Vitani sighed, running a hand through her hair.

"Scalm." She wiped her cheek, gasping as she looked down at the purple paint smudged along her hands. She rushed to the bathroom and gazed into the mirror. Her paint had begun to peel and fade, leaving her cheeks bare. She reluctantly wiped away the rest, gritting her teeth as she watched the purple paint swirl down the drain. She stepped into the shower to wash off the paints along her body, throwing on the large coat and placing her hair into a bun. Her face was covered by one of Usopp's old brown scarves just below her eyes.

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