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Vitani sat at the edge of the ship, her legs crossed. Chopper had wrapped her ankles up, Vitani's hair falling over her shoulders. It was dripping wet, water falling down her cheeks.

"You look sad." Her ear twitched at Zoro's voice. He sat down beside her, sighing.

"What do you want?" She muttered as he leaned back and stared forward.

"About earlier, I'm sorry for cutting the chains." He apologized, Vitani silently blinking.

"Silent treatment?-"

"What do you want me to say?!" She laughed in irritation. "I've got nothing to say to you."

"I've done nothing to you." Zoro snapped.

"You've done everything! You want to train, but as soon as I start training everyone has an issue."

"You were hurting yourself!"

"I was getting stronger." She retorted, Zoro sighing.

"We already had this conversation." He huffed. Vitani turned to reply but Zoro collapsed atop of her.

"Zoro!" She snapped as he grabbed her waist and sighed, burying his cheek into her stomach.

"Zoro! Qwaniste?! (What are you doing)" She snapped, Zoro sighing. Vitani attempted to free herself but his grip tightened.

"Big Baby." She muttered, running a hand over his head. She laid down and stared up at the sky, blinking slowly. Zoro had easily fallen asleep, but Vitani remained awake.

She turned her head when a sudden fog came over the ship, spotting a large ship directly infront of them. She gasped and shot up, Zoro slipping off her and waking.


"Luffy!" Kierra cried, earning the attention of all of the crew.

"Is that a ship?" Zoro asked as Vitani leapt to her feet.

"Sanji-kun, hard on the port!" Nami ordered upon arrival to the deck.

"Yes, Nami-San!" He cried, following her order.

"Is that a child?" Vitani spotted a kid holding a pot near the edge of one of the many marine ships. More ships were appearing behind the giant ship, Vitani yawning.

"What is he doing on a marine ship?" Robin murmured. As they passed by, the pot he was holding slipped from his hand and in an attempt to save it, the child tipped over the rail and fell as well.

"Look out!" Sanji rushed forward, Robin crossing her arms.

"Allow me." Hands flew from the side of the ship and caught the child before he hit the water. He had fallen unconscious by the time Kierra pulled him from Robin's hands and onto the ship.

"Is he alive?" Usopp asked as Zoro carried the boy to Usopp's room. They sat around him, Chopper using smelling salts to wake him.

The child's eyes open slowly, looking around at the many faces around him. "Wh...Where am I?" He whispered, his gaze landing on Luffy. "Ah! Pirates!"

"Here we go.." Kierra muttered, Sanji setting down a bowl of soup.

"You fainted and fell off the rail of the marine ship." He explained, the child looking up nervously.

"I fell?" He whispered, suddenly screaming. "Oh no, my curry!"

"Your curry?" Chopper whispered as the boy nodded, leaning over to taste the soup.

"Wow, this is amazing!" he yelled between mouthfuls, Sanji smirking in pride.

"Now, what curry are you talking about?" Nami asked, the kid suddenly looking up.

"I was working on a curry recipe to become one of the chefs on the ship." He frowned. "But it fell overboard. Now I can't even remember what I put in it."

Sanji hummed softly and turned to Luffy. "You mind if I take him back to his ship?"

"Sure." Luffy shrugged

Vitani stood next to Zoro, the pair exchanging a glance.

"Sanji, are you sure you want to take him back?" Vitani whispered as he passed her. He nodded, sending a smile.

"I'll be fine." He assured her. Luffy pranced after him, followed by the boy. Vitani watched them off, turning to Zoro.

"Idiots." He muttered. "Going to a Navy ship like that, they'll get themselves killed."

"Not if they don't get caught." Robin spoke from where she sat, reading her book.

"Vitani." She looked down at Chopper and smiled. "I need to check your wounds today."

Her smile immediately faded and she nodded, heading to the medical room. She sat down, Chopper slowly unwrapping them.

"They're healing nicely." He noted, placing a different ointment on them.

"Well, Opavian's bodies regenerate faster than humans." She smiled sheepishly.

"That's good." Chopper nodded. He rewrapped her ankles before stepping back.

"Thanks, Chopper." She pat his head and walked out.

"No provlem." He whispered although Vitani didn't hear him as she stepped out. Kierra watched her silently, sighing.

"Oboiye...Kendrick." She looked up with a faint whisper "Wesa? (Where are you?)".

"You don't expect them to respond, do you?" Vitani murmured. Kierra gasped and looked up as she smiled.

"They're out there. Somewhere. So are masetno and ma. We'll find them."

Kierra stood and embraced her sister.

"Are you crying?"

"No!" She lied through sniffles. "Thank you for saving me, Vitani." She stammered as Vitani sighed.

"Geesh, Kierra you're a sap." She muttered. "It's fine, don't sweat it!" Kierra gave another exaggerated sob.

"Uh, Kierra." Vitani whispered, seeing Luffy stretch and grasp the boat. Kierra was still hugging her, Luffy flying closer and closer.

Vitani and Kierra reappeared out of the way as Luffy and Sanji crashed into the wall. Usopp immediately began to fret as Kierra stood.

"Luffy, how was it? Did Sanji help him?"

"Nope." He beamed.

"How is that good then?" Robin asked as he laughed.

"Sanji didn't help him, he learned how to make the curry on his own."

"That's nice, but now I'm hungry." Vitani huffed, crossing her arms.

Sanji smirked and lit his cigarette. "Well then, come eat."

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