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Vitani landed in the water with Kierra, their bodies naturally weakening. Zoro grabbed Vitani as the rope was tossed down from the deck. He crawled up, laying her down as she spat up water. Sanji brought Kierra up, Chimney and Gonbe clinging onto her jacket.

She coughed once she had recovered completely, looking around. Her body was still weak from using her gawi, Vitani slowly standing. She tore off her jacket, Kierra looking up.

"Vitani..." She whispered as Vitani glanced over her shoulder.

"Just rest up. We can take care of this."

Kierra looked around warily as Vitani stepped in between Zoro and Sanji. She looked up as cannons shot at them, Vitani stepped on the post. She leapt up, landing on a ball and kicking it down into the water. She appeared beside Zoro as he cut through the others, Sanji kicking some away.

They continued this , watching the whirlpools return when the gate began to close. The battleships, in response, began to crash into one another, Vitani looking up as Nami began to yell out orders. Franky blasted his wind cannon so the Going Merry shot off as Vitani turned the sail. She clung onto the post, sliding down once they were in the clear. She inhaled, stepping over Kierra.

"Is everyone okay?" Nani yelled, Vitani squatting beside Kierra. She placed her hand over her forehead, Kierra's brows furrowing.

"Eos." She stood as the rekran calmly walked over. She laid down, resting her head on Kierra's chest.

Vitani laid down as Zeze rested beside her, working on her wounds as well.

"Is she really going to sleep at a time like this?" Zoro muttered, Vitani softly snoring.

she only woke when the ship suddenly split, Zeze rolling forward. She grabbed Vitani's collar so she didn't fall into the water as Eos held onto Kierra.

"What the hell is going on?" Kierra sat up, looking up at the huge Galley-La ship. she looked back at where the going merry had split in half, her eyes widening.

Vitani was pulled back onto the ship, still snoring softly.

"The Going Merry..." She whispered, standing.

"Iceberg!" Luffy immediately turned. "Please! Help Merry, we can't sail without her! Please I-"

"Luffy." Iceberg interrupted nimbly, shaking his head slowly. "We did everything that we could." Luffy's eyes seemed to darken for a moment, his lips searching for a response although all he was able to produce was a soft exhale.

Kierra frowned, staring up at Luffy as he dipped his head.

"Are you all ready?" Luffy whispered, the straw hats nodding. Kierra shook Vitani awake as Luffy picked up a wooden stick. Vitani looked up as he placed it infront of her.


"Light it." he murmured. She lifted her finger, shocking the wood softly before a small flame grew.

"Merry..." he turned, Kierra explaining what had happened while Vitani had been sleep. "The seabed is dark and lonesome. so we'll watch you to the end." he lifted it, burning the inside of the ship as Vitani and the others boarded a small boat the Galley-La men had provided.

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