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As Luffy, Sanji, and Usopp prepared to enter the Yard, a sudden chill swept over their boat and the wind completely stopped.

"What the...what's going on?" Usopp fretted, Sanji quickly hushing him.

"Shh.." he hissed. "Do you hear that?" The group looked up to spot a large group of Opavians, scattered on clouds above their ship. Kendrick smirked in the center of the crowd as his cloud shot down.

He sighed as he stepped onto the rail, running a hand over the tuff of his hair hanging above his left eyebrow.

Luffy grinned widely, Usopp and Sanji standing back some.

"What's up?" He hummed, a thick unmistakable Opavian accent.

"You're Kendrick!" Luffy yelled, Kendrick raising an eyebrow.

"Have we met before?"

"Yeah." Sanji spoke up. "You saved our ship once in the Blue Sea."

"I did!?" He hummed, looking at the old ship. "I highly doubt that."

"Not this one!" Usopp stammered. "Our other ship. We're using this one to get back with our friends."

"Friends? Where are they then?" He hummed curiously.

"The Upper Yard."

"The Upper Yard?!" He yelled, laughing. "Has no one told you how dangerous that place is?"

"We know!" Luffy beamed excitedly. Kendrick gave a smirk and leaned down.

"I like you." He hummed and stood. "What's your name?"

"I'm Luffy!" He extended his hand, Kendrick shaking it.

"Sanji." He introduced gingerly.

"And I'm Captain Usopp!" He yelled, Kendrick raising an eyebrow.

"Something tells me that ain't right." He hummed. "Well, nice meeting you guys-"

"Hey!" Usopp called. "You think you can help us?! Your si-"

"No way." He turned and scoffed. "I'll see you guys on the other side." He smirked and turned, extending his fist for Luffy. Luffy excitedly bumped it together, watching as Kendrick turned and returned his cloud, floating back up to the ship above them

"Good luck though." He called, raising two fingers.

"Bye bye Kendrick!" He waved.

"Hey, what happened to the wind?!" Sanji yelled, watching Kendrick's ships lift from the water.

"Kendrick-sama!" The woman whispered as he turned and leaned over the rail.

"Oh, I almost forgot." He mused, lifting his finger. "Since I saved you guys so many times, I guess I might as well offer this. If you need anything ever, tilt your head back and give a loud cry. Like this." He tapped out like an Opavian, looking down at Luffy.

"But, I can't make promises I'll always come." He beamed, Luffy grinning.

"Thank you!" Usopp breathed as Kendrick twitched his hand.

"Luffy you want to go fast or hella fast?"

"Hella fast!"

"You got it." He rested his cheek against his hand. "On your mark get ready-" he shot a gust of wind out and the ship sped off, Kendrick snickering.

"I didn't expect you to go and make friends." The woman noted softly beside him. She was a fair-skinned girl with short black hair the length of her shoulders,freckles hidden below her turquoise paints. she wore a white blouse tucked into tight black pants, holding a long staff beside her.

"Regardless of what you say, Skylar, I liked them." He admitted. "Liked."

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