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Vitani watched Zoro and Sanji silently as Kierra cradled Chopper who forced a straight face upon himself.

She smirked upon the final moments of the game when Zoro slammed the half-giant's head into the ring. She waited patiently as Luffy debated on which crew mate to take back first.

"He should have said all or nothing." Kierra swore softly. Vitani hummed her reply.

"Nami and Robin are intelligent. I'm sure they'll lead him in the right direction." She whispered. Her jaw dropped as Luffy chose the horse the Foxy Pirates had stolen from an old man, Kierra holding her sister back who had lunged forward.

"Luffy!" She roared "Ana iscrav Isra (what are you doing)?!"

He snickered and turned away, Vitani gritting her teeth.

"I can't believe him- who does he think he is?!" She roared, Kierra yanking her back.

"You have to maintain yourself just a little for the sake of Chopper!" She hissed softly. Vitani turned to look at him as he sniffled softly. He shook violently as if on the verge of breaking down.

"Luffy!" He screamed, Zoro collapsing in defeat.

"Chopper." Kierra whispered. He turned and looked up at Vitani as she stared forward.

"Be Strong. Luffy's our captain. He won't let us off that easy. And if need be, I'll kill them all." She smirked. "And then we can be happy."

She smiled faintly as he stared up in horror. He wailed, Kierra punching Vitani's arm.

"Chopper it was a joke." Kierra assured him, holding him gently as the final game commenced. Vitani narrowed her eyes and leaned forward, watching all the pirates and crews emerge to surround the dodgeball game. She gasped as a hand enclosed on her neck, her vision darkening.

"Vitani!" Kierra screeched. Chopper fled down to the battlefield in a frenzy as Kierra leapt forward. She bowled Vitani's body over and as they hit the ground, a rock barrier shot out to cover them.

Kierra panted, sinking into the earth as an attacker fought against her barrier.

"Vitani." She breathed, shaking her gently. Kierra waited until the final cheers of the Davy Back Fight had commenced before dropping the barrier. Vitani laid limp, Luffy turning his head.

"Luffy!" Kierra yelled. "Did you win?!"

He grinned deviously before collapsing. Chopper rushed to tend to his wounds as Zoro towered over Kierra.

"What happened to her?" He huffed as Kierra shot him a glare.

"Some Foxy puta slammed a bar over her neck and knocked her out-" Kierra stopped as Zoro snorted. She hissed and lashed out for him.

"Shut up!" She roared as he threw his hands up defensively.

As if on que, Vitani slowly sat up. She rubbed her neck and opened her eyes to meet Zoro's gaze.

"Was it you?!" She snapped.

"No." Kierra answered for him, shooting him another glare.

Vitani slowly stood and cracked her neck, looking to her left and right.

"I'm going to the ship." She announced. Vitani brushed past Zoro and the rest of the Foxy Pirates, leaping up onto the ship with Kierra following close behind.

"I hate this place." Vitani admitted sourly as they watched the sunset, waiting for Luffy and the others. "I hate sitting and waiting when we could be out there finding Mase'tno and Oboiye and all the others. Kendrick could be headed anywhere and we have no way to communicate."

Kierra sighed and looked up as the straw hats approached the ship.

"Kaya is watching us, Vitani." She reminded her softly. "She will ensure our safety and return us home."

The two departed to their dorms once everyone had made it to the ship safely. They docked the Going Merry, Vitani curled atop Zeze and Eos with Kierra in the bed. Her ears rose to a sudden tone, Vitani shooting up. She looked around, breathing heavily as the rough tune continued on.

"Kierra." She nudged her but Kierra didn't budge. Eventually the harsh notes stopped, Vitani left staring in the darkness. She slowly laid back down, still shaken by the songs.

Vitani sat up slowly and looked around, Kierra sitting across the room. She had her hand up defensively.

"De scravista skam a si?! (Who are you?) " She demanded.


"Quista un traa vistayo?!"

"I'm Vitani!" Vitani snapped. Kierra's eyes widened.

"V-Vitani....Where are we ?!" She looked around. "How did we find each other?!"

"We met up with Luffy-"

"Luffy?" Kierra asked. "Who?"

"Luffy! Our captain." Vitani's face twisted and she backed up. "What is going on with you?"

"Missy took me just a couple of days ago and now I'm here with my sister who's been lost for years!" Kierra screamed. "Where are we?!"

Vitani blinked and looked up at commotion.

"Come." She stood. Kierra and her crawled out and looked around. Kierra's face twisted in confusion as Vitani blinked at the Straw Hats. They were fighting and arguing, demanding information on who they were and where they were.

"Has everyone's memory been lost?!" She fretted.

"So you've still got your's as well?" Robin turned to Vitani as Kierra held onto her arm.

"Uy toca muastyu? (We're on a pirate ship?)" Kierra whispered.

"We are pirates, Kierra." Vitani reminded her, looking up at the flag. "Straw Hats"

"Straw Hats...?" She whispered. "What is going on?!"

"Robin, do you know what's going on?" Vitani turned to her. She shook her head numbly and Vitani sighed.

"Wait." She turned back. "Did you happen to hear a deep, loud noise last night?"

"Yes, while I was studying." Robin replied matter-of-factly. "I didn't think much of it though."

"Neither did I but it woke me out of my sleep and i couldn't go back to sleep since then. No one else seemed to wake not even Zeze-" Vitani froze.

"Oh shit." The two Rekran shot out of the room and roared, Zeze running forward. Vitani stepped infront of her, glaring at the Rekran defensively. She stopped, inches from Vitani'a as a low growl erupted from her chest.

"Stand down." She warned, the straw hats gaping. Zeze glanced past her before sitting, a creaking coming from the flag post. Zoro shot down, muttering about something as he yawned and rubbed his head. His gaze locked with Vitani's, immediately stepping back.

"Him too?" She whispered.

"Vitani and Kierra, two of the highest bounties I know of." He smirked. "What are you two doing here?" He flashed his sword.

Vitani threw her arm before Kierra and glared forward.

"Roronoa, I wouldn't do this if I were you."

"Vitani, you're really gonna entertain this?" Robin asked in disbelief.

"If he wants a fight he's got one." She shrugged. "I always wanted a reason to beat the hell out of him." Before Zoro got the chance to ready his sword, Vitani threw herself at him. She yelped out in horror as they rolled off the ship, Kierra gasping.

"Vitani!" She cried, staring at the water. She broke surface, latched on Zoro's back.

"You can't swim because of your power's huh?" He scoffed. She wrapped her hands around his throat as he gritted his teeth.

"Do you want to drown us both?!" He snapped.

Kierra turned to Robin and narrowed her eyes.

"I don't know who the hell any of you are but you know my sister from what I can see. Help me get her back, please."

Robin tilted her head and smiled.

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