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"We're here." Vitani announced, staring up at the large building from the small ship she stood on. "This is now Arlong's territory. He's a fishman so be careful. They are very dangerous."

"Are you sure Nami's here? She was on the Going Merry, so let's first see if it's stopped on this island or not." Johnny suggested nervously.

"Good idea." Usopp agreed.

"We're busting in." Zoro announced suddenly as he stood, Vitani turning.

"Shut up!" She snapped, glaring at him. "You almost died!" He merely turned his back to her, staring up at the building.

"Luffy told me to bring her back. So let's go!" Vitani glanced back as he was knocked atop the head, watching him get wrapped and tied down by Usopp and Johnny. When they turned to her, she narrowed her eyes.

Usopp and Johnny plotted softly, Vitani staring in the distance.

"Oy!" Zoro yawned, shaking in his restraints. "What the hell is going on?!"

"Oy, oy." Usopp smirked. "Take it easy Zoro. Just relax."

As they drifted past the fishermen on the shore, Usopp and Johnny ducked down to hide their presence. The fishermen dove into the water to persue in suspicion, Usopp and Johnny fleeing and swimming in the opposite direction in the water.

"Wait, I can't swim!" Vitani called, gritting her teeth. She looked back at Zoro, fleeing to hide behind the sail.

"Vitani!" He snapped, realizing he had been abandoned. The fishermen boarded the boat, looking around in confusion.

"It's just him." One hummed. "We'll take him back to Arlong."

Vitani held onto the post silently, frowning. As she attempted to run forward and kick the fish, his companion grabbed her foot and slammed her on the ground.

She flipped back, her teeth gritted.

"It's her." They stepped back hesitantly as she brought her hands up defensively. One of the fish gave a sudden smirk, stepping forward. Vitani, in response, stepped back.

"Ha!" He lashed out as she leapt back. As her fist began to glow and crackle, he grabbed her neck and slammed her face into the water of the boat.

"Vitani!" Zoro bucked. He waited a couple of seconds before her face was brought up. She gasped for air, clutching his hand weakly. He tossed her aside.

"Boss'll be happy about our catches." He hummed, picking Vitani up and tossing her over his shoulder. The other person transported Zoro to their headquarters.

Vitani sat on her knees, her head dipped in silence.

"Vitani?!" Arlong laughed hysterically from his chair before her. "What the hell are you doing all the way out here?! I haven't heard your name in years!"

She fell silent, a sword placed under her chin. She looked up, locking gazes with the fisherman. A pool of open-ocean water sat behind her, vitani gritting her teeth.

"Why are you here?" He demanded.

"We're looking for someone." She snarled , her face dripping with water

He narrowed his eyes, the sword jabbing her neck gently.

"We're looking for a girl!" Zoro snapped, a little ways off. "Now leave her alone."

"I'll ask again." He sighed. "What are you doing here?"

"How many times do we have to say that we're looking for a girl!" He snapped. "Half-fish bastard!"

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