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Zoro had sat infront of Vitani for hours, both equally annoyed with one other.

"Fwegrega. (How are you.)" she stated.

"Fweegregah." Zoro huffed.

"Fwegrega." She repeated, her brows furrowing.


"Fwegrega." She pronounced with a faint hiss.

"Fwegregre." He huffed as she smacked his forehead.

"You're not even trying!" She snapped, pinning her ears. Zoro swallowed his guilt, both turning as the door opening.

"Way to get off that island." Vitani recognized the emerging woman as Ms. All Sunday, narrowing her eyes.

"Woah." Kierra stood. Zoro and Nami stepped infront of her, aiming their weapons at the woman. She easily grabbed them and pushed them down, sitting down on the chair.

Vitani watched her movements precisely, never blinking.

"I like how you all fight." She hummed. "You're an interesting young crew. Let me join you all." She smirked, Luffy staring at her blankly.


"Luffy!" They all yelled besides Vitani who had her arms crossed.

Luffy and Chopper easily became distracted when her hands extended out the deck, pointing and poking them playfully as they laughed.

Kierra sighed out of uninterest and headed to take a shower, Vitani standing beside Usopp, Nami and Zoro.

"We're the last four." Zoro announced. "I don't know what she's up to, but we have to stay strong."

"Oh, I forgot I brought along some jewelry and Coco Gradēs from Crocodile's ship." Vitani stepped forward, towering over Robin. Their gazes locked, Vitani extending her fist which Robin bumped.

"Nice to meet you." Vitani beamed. "I've watched you since I first saw your Wanted poster. You're my idol."

"Ah." She blushed. "Thank you". Vitani swept the bag and unwrapped it, staring at the Coco Gradēs in awe. They were clumps of soft blue plants with the texture of fabric.

"Gah, Thank you!" She laughed, rushing up to the deck. Nami had taken the jewels, unwrapping them.

"Hey, Usopp! Vitani!" Luffy called, the two turning. Vitani was wrapping the coco gradēs in thin paper, pausing momentarily.

"Chopper." Luffy cooed, a hand substituting for antlers. Usopp and Vitani burst out in laughter, Zoro groaning in frustration before leaving.

Robin followed, Kierra stepping out of the shower.

"Woah!" She was wearing a sweatshirt and shorts, gasping. "Fue Coco Gradēs?!"

"Ais ais!" Vitani nodded. The two taking the small wrapped blunts.

"Is that like a drug or something?" Usopp asked.

"Coco Gradēs is something the Opavian use. It's like a cigar but made from plants. Healthy plants. Smoking them brings good luck and sometimes the physics can read auras with it." Robin explained. "I was friends with some Opavian."

"Who?" Kierra turned.

"Some kid named Kendrick."

"Kendrick?!" Vitani gasped. "You know my brother?!"

"He's a pretty well-known Captain now." She pulled out a Wanted poster, presenting it.

"350,000,00 berries." Kierra read softly. "I'd expect more."

"When was the last time you saw him?" Vitani looked up.

"Last year I believe. He's somewhere in the Grand Line for sure." Robin continued.

Vitani silently returned to her rolled coco gradēs, flicking electricity on a straw piece of wood until it lit. She placed the wood to one end of the pipe until a thin trail of turquoise smoke swept from it. She eagerly placed it in her mouth, inhaling to exhale from her nose.

Vitani wrapped up the rest of the Coco Gradēs before heading to bed. Robin made a bed on the ground out of blankets they had taken from Alabasta, Vitani and Kierra laying down in their normal beds. Eos had laid down beside Robin, providing warmth for her. They woke early the next morning to harbor at an island. As Nami began assigning jobs to retrieve supplies, Vitani easily snuck off.

She walked through the forest aimlessly, Eos and Zeze following. She stopped at the discovery of a large waterfall, taking off her bow. She tore off the long shirt, left in a sport's bra and joggers. She walked forward and sat below the waterfall, flinching against the water falling atop her head. She gritted her teeth, feeling electricity surge around her. As it began to intensify, She was left panting, her hair soaked. She swept it up in a ponytail in frustration.

She leapt onto the land and squatted. She used her shirt to wrap boulders to her legs, cracking her neck.

"I haven't done this in ages, I've been slacking father." She spoke softly. "I hope you haven't noticed. But don't worry because the next time we meet." She groaned, pulling her left leg forward. "I'll be faster."

Vitani pulled her right leg forward, continuing this until the sun had fallen. Zeze and Eos escorted her to the camp fire where the other Straw Hats sat, looking up at their arrival.

"Vitani!" Luffy laughed, spotting the blood markings around her ankles as she leapt down. "What happened?"

"I fell." She quickly lied, pulling her pants down to hide the scratches. She tore Zoro's meat from his hand and sat down beside him, pushing him over.

"Where'd you go?" Kierra scoffed, Vitani glancing at her.

"I took a walk."

"All day?" Chopper asked as she shrugged.

"I like your hair." Nami noted, Vitani chewing her meat.

"Thanks". She hummed, silently flattered.

"You stink." Zoro huffed, her smile immediately falling.

"Now you know how I feel when you train."

"You were training?" Usopp asked as she nodded.

"But why?" Nami questioned as Vitani handed Zoro his chicken leg and bent over to grab a pineapple.

"I've got some work to do." She replied simply.

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