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"What do you think she's doing?" Luffy whispered, peering at Vitani behind a bush.

"Being evil as usual?" Kierra whispered.

"No, being the devil." Chopper corrected.

"That's why she doesn't like the angels."

"I can hear you." She announced, the four squealing and falling back.

The angel guided the crew up the steps, rambling on about the clouds. Kierra and Vitani watched Chopper bounce on the clouds excitedly, Kierra giggling softly. Once they arrived at the old man's house, Kierra listened intently as he rambled on about the different dials; such as the lamp dial and heat dial. Sanji brought out food and the crew hungrily ate.

"I wonder how Nami-san is doing." Sanji hummed, Vitani looking up. "She has been on the waver for a while now."

"She has, hasn't she?" Kierra hummed.

"I hope she hasn't ventured into the sacred lands." The angel hummed, Vitani's ear twitching in interest.

"Sacred land?"

"It's where only God is allowed to be."

"God?" Vitani tempted.

"It's forbidden to go there without permission."

"Nami wouldn't be that dumb...would she?" Kierra whispered.

"How fun!" Luffy beamed excitedly. "I wanna go, I wanna go!"

"You're kidding me." Usopp muttered as Luffy laughed.

"I'm interested in getting up close and personal with God." She hummed, her tail flicking.

"Ah!" Chiso, the angel from earlier, beamed. "So you two must be relatives of the Sky God."

"Sky God?" Kierra hummed.

"She means Kendrick." Robin explained, Vitani narrowing her eyes.

"You met him, huh?"

"Yes." She sighed, almost in a daze. "He's the only one allowed in the Upper Yards. He's like..God's right hand man."

"That's extremely hard to believe." Vitani muttered but stood. "Well, It's hard to say, but I'm agreeing with Luffy." She smirked. "Why don't we check this place out?"

"Not you too, Vitani!" Usopp cried. As they walked onto the Going Merry, Vitani stepped inside. Zeze and Eos laid down, looking up upon her arrival.

"Satsun, Zeze. Satsun." She smiled, rubbing their heads. "Kokonatse ya ouu. Eskevatay an mehasat huma wa was kokoa. (We're going somewhere. A place where God himself is.) She whispered. "Stamias Kendrick kia sopr elastas. (We'll find Kendrick there)." She sounded as if she was trying to reassure herself as she closed her eyes, pressing her forehead to Zeze's.

"Please." She whispered. "Protect us, Kiya."

"Who's Kiya?" She turned, staring up at Zoro as he sat down beside her.

"Kiya is the Opavian's protector. She's who welcomes the dead souls into her home."

"She's your God?" Zoro asked, Vitani nodding.

He closed his eyes and hummed, Eos nuzzling underneath his hand.

They looked up at synced footsteps, Vitani glancing at Zoro as he stood. She leapt over the railing of the ship to glare at the United police department sky people before them.

"Then I humbly enforce God's rath upon you!" The officer had finished yelling, Vitani adjusting her shirt calmly.

He went on to say that if they paid ten times the original admission price, they'd be accepted as legal tourist, Sanji disregarding them and continuing his conversation.

Usopp begged the Straw Hats to comply and wait for Nami, but their patience was growing thinner each minute. Vitani rolled her eyes and looked back as she felt a sudden weight over her head, buckling down to the ground.

"Vitani!" Kierra screamed.

"I told you not to fire!" The captain roared over his shoulder. Kierra charged forward, leaping up with her dagger. Usopp screamed in fear although she was knocked back and slammed into a tree. Both of the girls fell unconscious, Zoro drawing his sword. Chopper rushed to retrieve the pair as a roar hit the air. Zeze and Eos leapt down, stepping infront of the girls. They snarled at the White Berrets as Nami arrived, slamming the Waver into the Captain's Head. The white berrets fled to check over their captain, Luffy and Nami arguing whether or not to leave. Zoro was shaking Vitani violently, Chopper yelling for him not handle her so roughly. Her body was limp as if she were dead, the only assurance of life being her beating heart.

They turned as the White Berret's arrival, Luffy easily taking them down even with their arrows. The Captain muttered how there was no escape from where he stood in the forest, glaring at the Straw Hats.

"Vitani, Kierra wake up!" Chopper cried from the boat, mixing smelling salts. Zeze and Eos were placed in the room with them, keeping guard.

((These chapters are mostly summaries that will build up to something big i'm sorry :/ ))

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