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Vitani sat beside Zoro early morning, her leg propped up. He was snoring softly beside her, his chest faintly rising. His change of breathing made her ears twitch and she slowly looked over.

His eye cracked open and met her gaze, Vitani slowly looking away.

"That was messed up...what you guys did." she muttered.

"What do yo-"

"I was drunk but I can remember everything. The burning of my eyes when i woke was enough of a reminder." She snapped. "You all didn't need to know all of that."

"But we did." He sat up and sighed. "You're a Straw Hat but you still push us away. We're family now. We care for you, Luffy cares for you." Zoro paused. "You remember what he promised?"

Vitani's ear twitched slightly and she sighed.

"I do." She looked up as Zoro sighed and laid back down.

"The amount of sleep you get is ridiculous." She muttered as he laughed.

"You don't like to sleep?"

"Not as much as you." She rolled her eyes playfully and looked back at the sound of a cannon shifting. She immediately ducked as a cannon ball was fired just above them, Zoro standing.

An old marine ship was close by, the Captain stepping out.

"Surrender your ship!" He yelled, flaring a sword. "Or die at my hands so I can take your filthy bounty."

"Ah, so old Luffy has a bounty?" Vitani stood. "I should welcome him to the crew."

"Why exactly do you have a bounty?" he asked as she smirked.

"Don't worry about that."

The pair turned at yelling to see an incoming marine ship. Vitani looked at Zoro as he sighed and stood.

"Oi, Luffy!" Zoro hummed, resting a hand on his shoulder. "Maybe I should handle this one."

"What?! Why?!" He kicked and fretted as Usopp pulled him away.

"Because when you handle things, it always goes bad!" Usopp snapped.

The Captain of the marine ship ordered the men to fire, Zoro slicing an incoming cannon ball in half.

"No way!" The captain yelled, his jaw dropping. "Oh yeah?! Well there's a lot more where than came from!"

"Idiot." Vitani muttered as she leaned against the rail. The cannon, which had cracked, immediately exploded when they attempted to fire another shot. The captain led his men onto the Going Merry, Vitani leaping down onto the deck. She cracked her neck, electricity surging from her hands. Before she could attack the frightened men, Sanji interfered and knocked them all back with his frying pan.

"Sanji!" Her ears pinned.

"You dare come during meal time?!" He scowled at the captain who had been knocked back by Luffy. Vitani looked down at him and narrowed her eyes.

"V-Vitani?!" He screamed. "And he's here?!" he leapt over the rail. "That crazy cook!"

"What'd you do to him?" She asked as he chuckled.

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