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Kierra and Vitani split off in their own gold-search group, riding on Zeze and Eos who padded calmly through the forest. Faint battles were happening in the distance, the girls well aware.

"This is interesting." Kierra hummed in boredom, leaning on Eos's back.

"How in any way is this interesting?" Vitani scowled, Kierra huffing.

"Nothing's come for us yet! I've been waiting and waiting but nothing. No priest, no Shandians. No God."

"Lives are being lost and you're wanting to fight?!" Vitani hissed, Kierra shooting up.

"I mean, it's better than just being bored here!" She huffed and leaned over. Vitani's ear twitched and she turned, the Rekrans pausing in their tracks.

"Looks like you got your wish." Vitani murmured.

"Hell yeah!" Kierra whispered. Vitani drew an arrow, aiming at the incomers.

"Opavians!" A voice cried, a group of Shandians erupting from the forest.

"Please, help us!" A woman cried. Vitani shifted her arrow, narrowing her eyes in confusion. She fired the arrow, Kierra gasping as it shot past the woman and pierced through a goat-man's Head.

"Vitani, don't scare her!" She cried.

"So this is the Divine Army?" She hummed. She leapt down, dropping her bow. She walked forward, cracking her knuckles.

"Come on, Kierra." She hummed. "You said you wanted a fight."

Kierra laughed and leapt down from her Rekran, the sisters staring up in the darkness of the forest. A fleet of goat men leapt out, followed by a tall man.

"Opavians." He noted, his large fox slinking after him. "Kendrick reported his people wouldn't be in this forest at this time." He looked at the Shandians. "You all can leave now."

"Who the hell is this chump?" Kierra huffed, Vitani raising an eyebrow.

"I think you've made a mistake." She looked up. "We're not Kendrick's people."

Vitani disappeared as Kierra ran forward, the ground cracking under her feet. She raised a fist, the goat's raising their hands.

"Axe-" a fist of rock erupted from the ground, slamming down and crushing the goat men. Vitani electrocuted a pair, looking up as a curl fell over her eyes. She blinked gingerly before her body disappeared, reappearing to slam her fist into a goat man's head.

Kierra shot a rock out from the ground, a goat man sent flying into the air. His shoes kicked in and as he landed on a milky road as an arrow shot through his foot. He managed to skate back onto the ground, Vitani grabbing his throat. She lifted him above the ground, glaring past him.

"You a priest?" She asked, tossing the goat-man aside.

"No." The man admitted, his fox lashing it's tail."I'm A commander of the Divine Army."

"Commander?" Kierra hummed, smirking. "Vitani, what do you want to do?"

"If you attack me, you'll have to face Eneru's rath." He warned.

"Attack you?" Vitani shook her head. "No. We don't plan on just attacking you."

Kierra walked forward with Vitani. " We plan on killing you."

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