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Once the crew had settled back on the ship, Vitani sat down in exhaustion. She sighed, tilting her head back and staring up at the soft pink flakes of snow which drifted onto the ship.

"Vitani, I meant to ask you earlier...Since when did you curse?" Sanji asked as she turned toward him.

"Me? What do you mean curse?" She whispered in confusion.

"Like a bad word." Usopp explained.

"I don't curse." She huffed.

"You called Mrs. Valentine a bitch...?" Zoro hummed.

"Mrs.Valentine?" She cocked her head, Zoro gritting his teeth.

"The lady who tried to crush you!" He snapped, Vitani cocking her head.

"I thought that meant woman." She whispered softly. Luffy laughed. "My brothers and sister cursed but... I don't know any words."

"Try saying ass instead of tail. And just repeat what we say in fights." Usopp shrugged.


As the other Strw Hats parted their separate ways on the deck, Vitani sat beside Chopper in silence. They both stared into the distance, Vitani's tail wrapped carefully around her. Watashi Island was close although so was the war in Alabasta. She had decided she'd go alone when she felt a nudge on her arm. She turned to see Chopper, chopsticks stuck up his nose, grinning playfully. Vitani laughed, smiling blissfully as she enveloped him in a hug.

"You're cute." She hummed. Chopper was emerged in a sea of red as his head sunk into her chest, Zoro narrowing his eyes.

"Oi, Vitani!" He yelled as she set Chopper down , joining the other Straw Hats.

"A toast to our new friend!" Luffy yelled. Vitani stood and took a cup, slamming it with the other's before cheering. She slept close to Chopper that night and woke early morning to watch the rising sun. Vitani sat outside, staring out to sea as soft footsteps hit the air. She wore a purple tube top with black leggings and her crotch guard.

"Luffy." She noted his presence and glanced back.

"Hey, why don't you go and get some more rest?" He yawned as she looked away.

"I don't want to stop you on your journey to Alabasta. The more and more time we spend at islands, the more Alabasta could be in danger. I'm afraid this is where we depart."

"You're leaving my crew?!" Luffy exclaimed as she grabbed his mouth.

"Shut up!" She snapped. "I'll be back. But when I come back, I won't be alone." She smiled faintly. "I'm going to go and get Kierra.

"Who's Kierra?" His voice was muffled, Vitani narrowing her eyes.

"My sister!" She snapped, looking up.

"There!" She pointed to a large island. "That's it! Watashi Island!"

"It's huge." He murmured as she placed his hand on her waist.

"Throw me."

"I can't do that! What if you don't make it!" He fretted as she his arm stretched to the opposite side of the ship.

"Right here." She Let his hand go as Zoro stepped outside.

"What's going on?" He scratched his head as Vitani smirked.

"See ya around, idiot." She whispered before her body was yanked forward. She shot through the sky, landing in the shallows of the water with a small splash. Zoro and Luffy stared after her, Vitani standing in the shallow water to wave excitedly. She turned, walking up the shore.

"Kierra." She whispered, marching up the shore. She stopped at the treeline, placing her hands on her hips. "I'm here."

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