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"kendrick, take off the roof." vitani ordered before disappearing. kendrick planted his feet on the ground, his paints glimmering as a gust of wind spiraled around him. he raised a hand, the wind firing up to slice through the sheet.

"alright let's go!" kendrick shot up, on his asiago, Naomi disappearing and reappearing at the top of the hole.

"Kill them!" the woman screamed, aiming a gun for Oboiye as he sunk into the ground. Kendrick caught Vitani's arm as she leapt up, pulling her out the pit. the four stood at the tree line as villagers fled in chaos.

kendrick drew his scythe and swiped the trees, raising his hand.

"no whining this time, tan?" he teased as she gritted her teeth.

"shut up and knock them down." she swore. the gust of wind fired from his hand and immediately knocked down the trees.

"one for you, one for you.." kendrick hummed, clouds shooting down for each of them. "and of course the lovely, oboiye." he bowed as oboiye pushed his forehead.

"come on let's go." he grumbled. as the clouds shot off, vitani glanced back at the clicking of a gun.

before she could react, the bullet shot for oboiye, vitani gasping. naomi appeared infront of him, enveloping him in a hug as the bullet pierced through her torso.

"naomi!" he roared as she slipped from the cloud. kendrick caught her in his arms, speeding forward.

"we must bring her to mother!" kendrick yelled, the clouds picking up pace as they made it off the island. oboiye's drifted down to where kendrick had laid her on a separate cloud. the cloud shifted into her skin to sterilize the wound, Naomi's face twisting in pain.

"Oboiye..." Vitani whispered, staring over her shoulder. a large shadow cast over them, oboiye slowly looking back as the loud horn of a ship bellowed.

kendrick covered his ears and cowered beside his siblings, vitani squinting up as a net was thrown over the ledge.

"kendrick!" she cried as a gust of wind blew the net away.

"freeze!" a commander yelled. "put your hands up."

vitani looked at oboiye who had his teeth gritted.

"i see why you stayed in hiding." kendrick muttered. vitani slowly raised her hands, kendrick following. ships had surrounded them by then, cannons aimed for the four.

"if you comply, we won't kill you all." the man smirked, vitani hissing.

"you should be more worried for the sake of your lives than of ours." kendrick snapped back.

"oboiye." vitani hissed.

"we can take them out." he murmured under his breath as he rose, staring up at the commander.

"naomi's safety takes priority." vitani snapped back quickly, crossing her arms.

"hey!" kendrick yelled, glaring up at the man. "if you're gonna aim a cannon at me, make sure you fire!" he shot off the cloud into the air, drawing his scythe. he sliced the ship in half and watched it explode, vitani staring up in horror.


"dive!" he fell past them and landed in the raging waters below.

"has he lost his mind?!"

"i-i don't know." vitani stammered. the whistle of a cannon hit her ear, the cloud slipping from below the remaining three.

as they fell, oboiye enveloped his body around naomi before hitting the water. cannons slammed into the water around them, hurling past their limp bodies until silence fell.

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