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"You!" The man pointed to Luffy who scoffed, Vitani stepping forward beside him. "Have you been traveling these waters recently?!"

"Why?!" Luffy yelled, Vitani narrowing her eyes up at the man standing on the large ship.

"There was a giant turtle around these waters that my brother ran into."

"Brother?" Kierra murmured, glancing at Vitani unsurely. Memory of the giant turtle eating away at the ship replayed in her mind and she flicked her tail, dismissing the thought.

"Yeah we know about a turtle, what about it?" Sanji snapped back, the man balling his fist in rage.

"Where is it?!"

"We don't know!" Nami yelled. "There was some other pirate with us there with us."

"And who was it?!" The man insisted as Vitani stepped forward.

"What's it matter?! We knocked him into the ocean he's long gone!"

There was a deadly puse of silence before the man gritted his teeth and yanked out a long microphone.

"That was my brother! I'll kill you all!" the sound of his voice was amplified by the speaker, Vitani gritting her teeth as she covered her ears. He began to yell and scream into the microphone,the sound waves eventually reaching and beginning to tear the boat apart. She stood up straight, her rage intensifying as she watched him until she disappeared.

"Vitani?" Usopp whispered, looking up as she slammed her fist over his head. He fell down against his deck before she reappeared on the ship. She lifted her leg to step on him although he rolled, her foot tearing a hole in the deck.

"Vitani!" Luffy called.

She turned, balling her fist.

"Luffy." Kierra called. "Come on this is our chance!" She grunted as she pulled an oar, Zoro moving to help her. They headed for the island Robin had been informed about, docking their boat.

Vitani cringed upon their arrival and introduction to an old man who Chopper diagnosed with a disease almost immediately. She sighed and sat down, listening intently as they spoke of an old South Blue Tale until around dinner time. Vitani sat on the roof in silence, eating.

She looked down at their laughs and yells, drunk most likely. She smirked and raised her own glass of alchohol. as she took her first sip, Zoro crawled up and onto the roof.

"You sure that's really smart?" He hummed, Vitani looking up. "You know how you get when you're drunk."

"I'll be fine. I won't even drink a lot." She muttered, setting the cup down. Zoro watched her, Vitani's knees moving to her chest some.

"What?" She muttered, flushed.

Zoro smirked in success. "You're totally drunk."

"Am not!" she slurred, leaning against him. "Idiot."

"Really?" He hummed as she rolled her eyes. "I can handle one sip."

"Clearly not." He looked away as she latched onto his side, laying down.

"How come you couldn't tell me who beat you up?" She pouted.

"Because knowing you, you'd go after them. That's not what Luffy wants." He hummed.

"My mom told me when I was very very you child that...if someone takes or damages something of your's, you have no reason not to fight. They're mocking you. And disrespecting you and what you care for." she placed her hand oved his heart, closing her eyes.

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