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Usopp yelled as the black orb Eneru had created neared him. He squatted down, his nose less than an inch away before someone bowled him over. He looked up to see Kierra towering over him.

"Kierra!" Marco yelled. The men turning as the ground shook. Vitani lay on the ground where Usopp previously crouched, her feet pressed against the orb. Ada's mouth hung open as she watched Vitani push it up, rolling back and pressing her back against it. She yelled, her markings glowing as she lifted it with her arms.

"Luffy!" She yelled. "Clear the Sky!"

Kendrick raised his hand, balling his fist. "Eneru" he yelled. "Look what you've gone and done!" Kendrick slammed his palm into Eneru's gut, the wind throwing him back. The skies cleared as Luffy shot out of the Raiga, Vitani standing.

"Luffy!" Kierra cried. "Get him!"

Luffy shot up, Jace running past Eneru.

"Luffy! Throw it this way, I'll-" He was stopped as lightning struck him. Jace stood in shock, Kierra stepping forward.

"Jace!" She screeched as he fell back.

"Why you-" Luffy stretched back and threw the gold forward as Jace fell back, his finger brushing the bell. His Oblaid returned the weight of the piece of gold and it slammed into Eneru, throwing him back until he hit the golden bell towering over the ruined city. Vitani looked up at the ringing, Kierra staring up in awe. Marco caught Jace and knelt down, Ada moving to look over him. Chopper had risen as well as Zoro, Wyper, and many others.

"It's over." Kierra whispered, throwing her hand up. "It's over!" She broke out into an Opavian cheer, Vitani slowly standing.

"Hell yeah!" Zoro yelled, Vitani standing.

"Hell yeah!" She cried, Zoro glancing over in amusement.

"Vitani!" Luffy waved as he landed on the ground beside the beanstalk. "We found your brother!"

"Matsenas." Ada whispered, walking forward. Kierra turned, her eyes brimming with tears of joy.

"Mama!" The pair screamed and stumbled forward. Vitani reached her first, latching onto her as Kierra quickly joined. Ada rubbed their heads, smiling.

"My my, how beautiful you two have become." She whispered, smiling at the pair. She ran a hand over Kierra's short hair and massaged the long curls Vitani had.

"I'm so glad you're alright." Vitani whispered. They turned at a loud voice, Luffy running forward alongside Kendrick, Conis, Nami, Zeda, and Baltay.

"Hey!" Luffy waved, chewing a meat bone.

"I should go and check on the wounded." Ada whispered as Kendrick ran forward. She stepped out of the way as he bowled his sisters over, locking them in head locks.

"Kendrick!" Kierra beamed, Vitani smirking.

"Where the hell have you two been? And what's up with the hair Key?"
He rubbed his fist over her scalp as she scowled. "Identity crisis?"

"No." She huffed as Vitani giggled and pushed his face. "What about you? Last time i checked you never had a beard and why's your chest all open? Who are you trying to impress?"

"Says the one with mosquito bumps on her chest." He huffed, Kierra giving a fake gasp.

"Ma!" She whined, her ears pinning back as Kendrick cackled. She balled her fist, the rocks below him folding in so he fell into a small crater. Vitani laughed and stood as Kierra stuck out her tongue, Kendrick inhaling.

"Oh sh-" He exhaled and threw her back at the great wind, Kierra throwing up her hands to create a barrier. She gritted her teeth as he paused, dropping the wall.

"Your breath smells like ass." She snapped as he rose, dusting himself off.

"Ass? Surprised you know what it smells like since you lack so much of it..."

Vitani snorted as Kierra tackled him, the pair rolling along the ground.

"Enough!" Ada called from where she hovered over Jace.

"Okay okay." Vitani laughed as she separated the two. They stood, Vitani helping dust them off before they departed to check over everyone.

"So, you've gone and become a captain?!" Vitani laughed from where she sat beside Kendrick as they ate. The sun was setting below the horizon and Ada had worked on mostly everyone. Opavians had rushed through the jungle and to the ruins, sitting around and talking with the gathered Skypeins and Shandians. Before they knew it, a bonfire had started and drinks were being passed around. Vitani sat off to the side, watching Kierra and Kendrick dance. She looked up as Wyper stepped out, smirking.

"About time." She drew his attention. "We thought you'd miss the party."


"So tense." She mused and rose. She handed over a cup of sake and smirked. "Cheers?"

They clanked their drinks before chugging it, Vitani wiping the stray liquor from her lip.

"Ay-ay!" She cheered, Baltay welcoming her to their small dance Circle. She linked arms with Chris and Kendrick, laughing hysterically as they danced.

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