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When Nojiko had finished speaking about Nami, Sanji broke into a fit of anger. He raged on until she punched him, scolding him for his reckless ways. Vitani woke at the commotion, yawning before approaching Nojiko. She stopped about a foot away, Nojiko tensing.

"Vitani." She whispered.

"I didn't hear anything you said." Vitani admitted, flicking her tail. "But I can see that whatever Nami went through was hard. How much do you all owe to the Arlong Pirates?"

"100 million berries." Nojiko answered softly. Vitani closed her eyes.

"I want to apologize." She started, sighing. "I haven't been exactly...myself. I was rude to your sister when she reached out to me and I pushed her away." She looked away. "I know how it feels to lose family and I would never wish that upon anyone." She looked back, a fire igniting in her hazel gaze. "I'll do whatever it takes to help you get Nami back. If it all was 100 million berries-" she extended her arms. "I'm worth 159."

"159 MILLION BERRIES?!" Usopp and Sanji roared, Zoro leaping up.

"Zoro,  Vitani's worth 159 hundred million berries!" Usopp yelled.

"I appreciate the offer, but I should really go." Nojiko turned, her voice riddled with fear and anxiety. Vitani grunted, drawing Nojiko's attention so she turned back towards Vitani.

Vitani's fist was extended out, a small smile before her lips.

"We're gonna look over your sister from now on, kay?" Vitani looked up with a grin. Her eyes suddenly lit up as she bumped fist with Nojiko who had tears welling in her eyes.

"Okay." She nodded, jogging off. Vitani watched her, turning back to Zoro and the others.

"I have been approaching this wrong." She started. "I was scared. I didn't want to kill anymore but now I know...I've got to go all out to save our friend." Her body paints began to glow, the electricity crackling along her fingers. She turned at a gunshot as the paints immediately dulled, narrowing her eyes.

"What was that?" Sanji hummed. Vitani's ear swiveled, perking.

"I don't know." She murmured after a few moments.

"Alright, let's go meet up with Luffy!" Usopp announced, making her jump.

"Quit your jabbering, let's go." Zoro stood and turned towards the village.

Vitani walked through the forest beside Zoro, glancing up at him. Her tail flicked anxiously, adjusting the bracelets on it.

She sat down beside Zoro at the well just outside the town, fiddling with her bow. Luffy approached them.

"Let's go." He spoke, the four looking up in an instant.

"Yeah!" They huffed.

They walked slowly, making their way to the large wooden door to Arlong's territory. The group of villagers turned, watching them approach.

"Move aside." Luffy grunted. Vitani stood before the large wooden door of Arlong Park and drew back her fist. Her and Luffy slammed their fist into the wood until it broke, Vitani rolling off to the side behind the stone wall.

"What the..?" Arlong looked up at Luffy from where he sat on his throne in the large clearing.

"Which one of you is Arlong?" Luffy roared. Vitani crawled along the walls, perching herself near the top. She placed an arrow in her bow as she squatted, using her knee to keep steady.

Luffy punched Arlong, throwing him across the stone floors.

"Don't make our navigator cry!" Luffy roared.

Vitani's arrow aimed to the fishermen drawing out the water, her finger barely catching the quiver as Sanji kicked them away from Luffy

"You two just had to run on ahead." Sanji hummed, catching Vitani's eye as she smirked atop the wall.

"That's him!" The octopus babbled. "Roronoa Zoro, the pirate hunter. And there's the long-nosed man we caught earlier!" he pointed to Usopp.

"Where's Vitani?" One fisherman gritted his teeth, looking around.

Arlong chuckled. "Nami said she fled earlier, fearing she'd be caught. She's long gone." He snarled as the octopus raised his hand.

"Moo moo!" He yelled, Vitani gritting her teeth as she tightened her pull on the string.

"Nami's clearly betrayed us." Arlong pointed out. "That Opavian rat could be anywhere."

As if on que, a fisherman ran forward. He leapt up in the air, attempting to smash Luffy but an arrow through his torso quickly stopped him. The power threw him into the ground so he rolled, landing in the water.

"Come out Momoo!" The octopus commanded, Vitani's ears pinning. She slowly looked up, the large sea cow crying out behind her. The creature turned and attempted to swim off but Arlong seemed to put it in a daze, the two holding a strong gaze before the cow's tears ceased.

As it opened it's mouth to bite them, Vitani leap off the wall. She landed on it's back, gritting her teeth.

She huffed, electrocuting the creature before quickly leaping off as Luffy spun him around and knocked back the opposing fishermen.

She landed gracefully, looking back and screaming before rushing away from the spinning cow. She fled to Sanji's arms, holding onto him to avoid the cow as it skidded towards them. Once the cow had fallen still, she gritted her teeth and turned.

"Luffy!" Sanji snapped, kicking his head. "What the hell are you doing?! You almost hit her!"

"I'm sorry!" Luffy scowled.

"Vitani." Arlong recognized, drawing her attention as she smirked.

"You sound worried." She replied dryly. Luffy rocked forward to find his legs stuck in the thick concrete.

the octopus inhaled, spewing out black ink. The Straw Hats dove to the side, Luffy screaming as the ink plastered against his face. The octopus slowly picked up a piece of concrete, carrying it towards Luffy.

"He's stuck in the ground!" Vitani realized as he slammed the rock towards Luffy's head. Although, She ran forward with Sanji who kicked his leg up to crush the rock, Vitani cowering to protect Luffy.

"Vitani?!" He laughed as she looked back. She stood, facing Usopp who was attempting to free Luffy. Luffy stretched and slammed into a fishermen who, in response, chased Usopp into the village.

Arlong stood, marching past them. Luffy attempted to stretch and hit him, although his fist was easily caught.

"I have a game." He announced, digging the chunk of concrete from the ground Luffy was stuck in.

"People with the devil fruit can't swim!" He laughed. "Or anyone in your case can't swim."

"Put him down!" Vitani marched forward, slowly approaching him.

Luffy attempted to punch him, Arlong biting his fist. He tossed him out into the water, Vitani gritting her teeth. As she ran forward to attack Arlong, a fishman stepped before her. He attempted to strike her with his blade although she flipped back.

Vitani faced her opponent, a tall fisherman with a long blade.

"You're weak without the others." He noted. "Your sister. Your brothers. Your people."

"I don't need them to kill you." She retorted as he laughed.

"Maybe if you hadn't left, your sister wouldn't be where she is now."

"Where is She?" Vitani snapped as he smirked. "WHERE IS SHE?!"

"Why do you suddenly care?" Vitani shot forward, throwing a punch. Her fist was easily caught, her gaze sharpening as electricity shot through it. He yelled out as she kicked him into the wall. Vitani panted, smirking at the rush of energy.

The fisherman slowly stood, cracking his neck. Vitani ran forward once again, turning to kick his chest and bombard him with attacks. She yelled out as she leapt up, punching his jaw.

"Enough!" He snapped, grabbing her hair. He smirked, her electrical attack not effecting him. He threw her into the wall, Vitani grunting.

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