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kierra leapt back, vitani doing the same.

"you really wanna do this?"

"shut up." kierra snapped, vitani running forward. she leapt up, a large rock knocking her aside. she skidded, mud from a spa seeping up her legs to hold her in place as kierra attempted to kick her. vitani leaned back, catching kierra's foot. she threw it back, vibrating violently to shake the mud off before disappearing. kierra caught her balance, looking up as a building was thrown at her.

she threw up a rock wall for it to crash into, gasping as vitani appeared behind her. she threw up a block as vitani punched her, kierra flying back. she rolled back to the edge of the pool before vitani yelled, grabbing her before she fell in. she threw her back into a building, kierra slowly standing. she gritted her teeth, kicking the ground. the ground below vitani split open and she disappeared, kierra smirking. she threw mud at where vitani appeared beside her so it hit her face, kicking up a piece of rock.

she slammed it over vitani's head so she plummeted into the ground.

"maybe we should stop them." usopp fretted as vitani erupted from the hole in ground. she panted, glaring up at kierra who stood on a building. vitani disappeared again, kierra throwing up a rock dome around herself. vitani punched through it, grabbing kierra's tail.

"hey!" kierra roared. she turned to punch vitani as she disappeared, reappearing behind kierra. she punched her again, kierra thrown down into the ground.

"you wanna keep going?" vitani scoffed as kierra rose. she spit out blood, glaring up at vitani.

"you suck!"

"that's the best you've got?" vitani huffed as kierra's mud latched onto her neck. it spread until it covered vitani's mouth, kierra thrown up by her rock. she round-house kicked vitani, throwing up a wall that she crashed into. vitani fell down, turning in the air as kierra leapt down. she attempted to slam her feet into vitani's back but she disappeared. kierra landed on a spa-house, vitani tackling her. they rolled out, looking up as a large cannon fired above them.

they both stared at sayo, the oldest girl, tied up on the roof of a building as the large cannon moved down to aim at her.

"what the-"

"vitani!" luffy roared. "kierra!"

vitani stood, disappearing. robin clutched the man in the seat of the cannon as zoro tore her binds. vitani disappeared as kierra filled the cannon with mud. luffy's leg blew out to an enormous size as he sliced through the island with a long kick. kierra landed on the Sunny as vitani carried Sayo on her back.

"damn idiot, he couldn't have waited until we had disappeared?!" vitani snapped, sprinting towards where he was falling. luffy's body shrunk, vitani catching him. she held his shirt in her teeth, leaping out and landing on the sunny. she set sayo down as she embraced her younger sister, luffy stretching back to normal.

"thanks vitani!" he laughed as she collapsed.

"geez i can't catch a break." she panted. vitani looked up and caught kierra's gaze. they both immediately shot forward, franky leaping infront of vitani as zoro leapt infront of kierra. vitani's fist slammed into franky's chest, kierra kicking zoro's sword.

"hey! cut it out!" zoro yelled as kierra stumbled back.

"yeah stupid, cut it out!" kierra snapped.

"oh shut up! i beat the shit out of you."

"you did not! i knocked you senseless! stupid!" kierra screeched. she ran for vitani, franky holding her back.

"let me go! let me go!"

"cut it out!" luffy hit their heads, both falling silent. kierra glared up at him, vitani also glaring at him. zoro grabbed vitani as she reached for luffy, carrying her over his shoulder.

"hit me again, i'll beat the hell out of you!" she roared.

vitani ate silently beside kierra on the floor as brook excitedly rambled about how he would become a true crew member. after breakfast the pair walked up the steps, greeted by their rekran.

"my my, how awful you two smell." vitani hummed as brook stepped forward.

"would you like for me to wash them for you?"

"hey brook, i don't think it's a problem. we can take care of 'em, don't worry." kierra beamed.

"no, i insist." he pulled a large tub of water to the deck, zeze and eos exchanging a glance.

"brook, it isn't that easy of a task.." vitani murmured. zeze and eos stepped into the large tub as he began to scrub their bodies.

"hey, you're doin' good. just watch out for zeze's-" zeze gave a loud roar and turned, biting down on brook's head. he screamed, kierra screaming as well. "tail!"

"zeze!" vitani yelled, pulling against her mouth. "let him go!"

kierra latched onto brook and tugged gently, gritting her teeth. zeze finally released him and he rolled back with kierra until a rock hand extended from the deck and caught them.

"are you okay?" she looked over brook's head as he stood.

"i'm alright i suppose." he dusted himself off. "my apologies for the trouble i've caused."

"don't sweat it." vitani strained, holding the frazzled zeze back.

"i should probably be leaving you two now." he murmured, kierra staring after him. she joined vitani as she helped zeze back into the tub, finishing washing the rekran. 

the pair sat at the dinner table that evening, silently eating as brook played his violin in the distance. kierra looked up from where she was feeding eos a piece of meat.

"we should probably head up." vitani hummed, rising to her feet. she stepped out the kitchen and onto the deck, looking up as the sail caught wind.

"let's set sail." luffy announced with a smile. zeze stepped out and nuzzled against sanji's leg, purring as brook reached out to pet her.

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