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vitani looked up as the wolf kicked her, her body crashing into the wall. she choked on blood, her body tensing up at the impact.

"Vitani!" Kierra screamed as she crashed through the wall and plummeted into the water.

"Vitani!" Nami cried, Kierra running after her. She dove down, catching Vitani in her arms.

"Wake up!" she shook her in the air desperately. the Gates of Justice were slowly opening behind her, Kierra looking up.

"oh no...Vitani!" she screamed, her body suddenly thrown to the side. she rolled onto the shore, looking up to see Zeze towering over her.

"Zeze..." Kierra whispered, Eos bounding over. She covered Kierra in licks, healing the wounds and bruises along her body as Zeze did the same for Vitani.

"I don't think she'll be waking up soon." Kierra admitted, staring forward at the gates. "she got knocked pretty hard..." she looked up. "the gates are opening and now there's a buster call on Enies Lobby..." she stood up.

Kierra moved Vitani's body to the side, setting her against the wall. she took the key from Vitani's pocket and looked over the number 1.

"Eos, Zeze. skree mi fist eh. (stay here)." she turned, sprinting off.

Kierra leapt into the crates where Chimney had recently been peeking from and landed in the tunnel. along the walls there were yellow arrows, Kierra smirking.

"smart kid." she murmured, continuing on. she opened the door to the room where Luffy and Lucci were, immediately screaming and closing it as a crate flew for her face.

she opened it slowly, peering in at franky as luffy fought against Lucci who had turned into a jaguar human-beast.

Luffy slammed him into the wall, Kierra running past them.


"I've got a key I'll go with Franky!" she yelled over her shoulder, sprinting after him.

"luffy!" she paused and turned. "be careful!"

he managed a small smile over his shoulder.

"go help Robin!" he turned back as Lucci rose. she sprinted after franky, easily catching up.

"we've got to hurry!" Kierra cried, running up the stairs. they ran outside, Kierra inhaling the air. there was another flight of stairs, Franky running ahead of her.

Kierra suddenly screamed at an explosion, watching Franky fly from the stairs into the water.

Spandam, the man holding Robin captive laughed from the bridge at the gesture, Kierra leaping over the hole and sprinting up the stairs.

"we've got to hurry, come!" he yelled at Robin, dragging her on.

"Robin!!!!" Kierra yelled at the top of the stairs as she reached the bridge. Spandam screamed, attempting to drag her quicker as Kierra sprinted forward.

"Kierra!" Robin screamed. as he attempted to cross the gate, Kierra stopped. she slammed her foot into the ground, a rock shooting out that she kicked.

it slammed into his back, spandam flying forward. robin looked back, Kierra panting as the marines attempted to fire at her. Kierra gritted her teeth as she threw up a rock barrier.

she glanced back as sogeking shot at the marines from the tower of law, laughing.

"get em usopp!" She laughed, dropping the barrier. she ran forward, placing a barrier infront of robin so she wouldn't get hit by their bullets.

"Robin!" Kierra yelled. "Robin run!" she ran towards Kierra, their guns aiming for her. she looked over her shoulder, Kierra leaping over her to cover and protect her. she tensed, Franky leaping before the pair and blocking the bullets.

"Franky!" Kierra breathed, laughing.

"Kierra." he tossed his key. "that red bag has the rest of the keys in there. unlock robin."

she ran through the keys until her cuff fell, Robin weakly falling against Kierra.

"Hey, pull yourself together." Franky hummed.

Kierra wrapped an arm around her, Robin turning. her arms sprouted from Spandam, slapping him repeatedly.

Kierra laughed, the men aiming guns as Kierra threw up a rock wall. it slammed into the men, Kierra screaming at a sudden explosion that shook the bridge.

"It's Buster Call!" She yelled, stepping back. "they busted the fence, Franky-"

"relax." he interrupted. "we'll be fine."

she looked back as the tower of law was hit, Kierra gasping.

"Usopp!" she stepped forward again. she looked around, gritting her teeth before giving a long whistle, piercing the air.

"what is she doing?"

"calling her rekran." robin answered.

"there's an escort ship on the other side of them." Robin murmured.

"looks like that's our only escape."

"I'll go ahead." Kierra yelled, sprinting forward. Franky knocked the men back as she ran through them, she leapt down the steps, skidding to a hault at the dock.

she leapt up on the ship, looking at the men as they aimed guns. she sighed, flipping back to dodge bullets. she flipped over the edge, the men aiming their guns and warily peering over the edge. Kierra was lifted by a drenched rock, her rock hand emerging to swipe the men all off the ship.

"Nice!" Franky leapt up onto the ship followed by Robin as she stepped down.

"Why thank you." she bowed dramatically. As she stood, she looked over as Kokorou pulled the straw hats up onto the ship. The only two missing were Luffy and Vitani, the present straw hats unconscious.

"good thing they're all okay...but..." Kierra's ears pinned at Kokorou's new outfit.

"what on earth could have shocked them enough to make them stop breathing?" Kokorou hummed.

"it was you." Franky huffed, pointing to her.

"Hm?" Kokorou murmured. Kierra fled up the post, sitting down as she stared over the edge to look around for Vitani.

"where are you v?" she whispered to herself. She looked up in surprise as the announcer spoke over the loud-speaker, announcing there was no life left on the island. She bit her lip, listening to him list the giants, the workers, the galley-la men, the frog and the sea-bulls. she bit her tongue, standing to peer at the firey-haze the island was left in. Kierra gripped the railing, her eyes welling with tears.

"Vitani!" She cried. "Eos! where are you?!"

Zoro looked over his shoulder and closed his eyes, Kierra looking around frantically. She burried her hands in her face in frustration, slipping to a feeble sitting position.

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