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The following days were rainy, leaving the crew cooped up in the kitchen. Sanji and Kierra were washing dishes, Vitani peeling off her face paint. Chopper and Usopp watched in interest as she pulled out a bowl. She proceeded to paint her face delicately, making sure her lines were precise and sharp.

"Oy." Zoro stepped inside, frazzled with rain. "There's an island up ahead."

Zoro, Robin, and Vitani were left on the ship while the others ventured into town upon docking. Vitani sat on the deck, wrapping her Coco Gradēs. She lit the end of the wrapped plant and inhaled , exhaling a purple gas this time. She looked up at the sky and closed her eyes.

"What are you doing?" She opened her eyes and looked back at Zoro.

"Trying to read the spiritual aura of this place to find my family." She murmured. "Psychics like my mother are usually good at these things."

"Why don't you use your little... scouting thing?" He asked, sitting down beside her.

"They could be anywhere. The farthest my scouting can get me is maybe...half the size of an average island." She murmured. "I don't even know if they're alive."

"Don't think like that. They're able of surviving if they're as strong as you." She smiled faintly and turned to look up at him.

"Don't give me that look." He muttered as she pushed his cheek.

"I was showing my gratitude!"

"By smiling at me like a weirdo?"

"Go to Hell, Zoro!" She snapped as he raised an eyebrow.

"You kiss your mother with that mouth?" He huffed as she burst into a fit of laughter.

Zoro's face twisted in confusion as her laughs became louder, tears streaming down her cheeks.

"It's not that funny!" He snapped, shaking her shoulders. She collapsed against his chest, resting her forehead against it as she laughed. Tears pooled from her eyes.

"Vitani." He laughed nervously. She looked up, her eyes red.

"Are you...high?" He looked at the pipe, taking it from her.

"Hey!" She whined.

"You've smoked enough of this stuff today." He huffed. Vitani crawled over his lap as he threw the blunt aside, Zoro catching her thigh.


"You're annoying!" She snapped. "Let me get it!"

"Just, chill out!" He huffed.

After Vitani had calmed down, Luffy stopped by and retrieved them for the fireworks in the town.

They stood beside one another, Vitani sipping on a cup of hot tea. She offered some to Zoro as she shivered against the cool breeze. He wrapped an arm around her, allowing her into his jacket.

"Yugwe (thank you)." She stammered, Zoro huffing a response.

"Don't mention it." He took the tea and took a sip, Vitani looking up as Kierra sighed beside her.

She smiled up at the fireworks, her scarf pulled below her chin.

"Where's Usopp?" She murmured once the show had stopped. There was a small firework in the distance, Luffy narrowing his eyes.

"What was that weak firework?" He huffed. Immediately after, a large firework set off. The power shook the ground briefly,  Kierra's jaw dropping. It covered the sky of the entire island, Vitani's jaw dropping. Zoro beamed as Kierra laughed softly.

"Wow." She whispered, Vitani smiling faintly against the light of the fireworks.

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