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Despite her swollen and bleeding ankles, Vitani refused to stop. She trained even after they left on the ship as the boys cleaned, finally collapsing in exhaustion. Kierra sat down beside her, placing her tail on Vitani's head.

"Don't overwork yourself." She smiled, Vitani balling her fist.

"I need to get faster." She argued.

"What are you doing?!" Nami's voice hit the air before Kierra could speak. There were two faint thuds in the distance as Usopp and Luffy sulked on the deck,the two sisters glancing at one another in confusion.

Eventually, the crew departed to their rooms as night fell upon them. Vitani sat, rewrapping her raw ankles while Kierra watching silently. Near the middle of the night, Zeze and Eos began to scratch at Vitani and Kierra's door, the pair stepping out to look up at the rolling thunder and raging waters.

Vitani stared up in distaste at the tornado a few yards before them, Kierra gaping silently. Their heads snapped to their left as a door was thrown open, watching Nami storm out.

"Nami."  Chopper sobbed as she walked forward.

"What were you doing?!" She scoffed. "Alright, wake up! You thought you were going to sleep all day?!" She began yelling orders, Vitani escorting Eos and Zeze into their room. In the meantime, Kierra ran to the edge to the boat. She made an x with her left foot and slammed her feet on the ground before squatting. She slowly brought her hands up, a burried mountain of rock emerging from the ground and offsetting the water.

"Hold on!" She dropped the rock as the ship was pushed back, Kierra slamming her knife into the deck to hold on. Vitani grabbed onto Usopp's leg, holding onto it desperately as water splashed around her. She closed her eyes in fear, only opening them when the boat had calmed.

She opened her eyes to meet Luffy's gaze, gasping at how close he was.

"Oh, you're alive." He whispered as she yanked his hat.

"Thanks Nami." She called, visibly disappearing and reappearing on the other side of the ship.

"Did she just-"

"So you've got your speed back?" Kierra hummed, sitting up on the lower deck.

"Hey, give it back." Luffy whined.

"How did she do that?" Nami asked as Robin hummed.

"She is known as the Lightning Goddess." Robin murmured. "Would it surprise you if she was fast as lightning?"

"Literally." Usopp whispered. Vitani tossed the hat and as Luffy reached out to retrieve it, Kierra leapt infront of him.

"Yoink." She grabbed the hat and cackled, climbing up the mast.

"Kierra!" He whined, feeling a breeze pass him. His eyes widened, spotting Vitani at the top of the mast. She took the hat and twirled it, Robin's hand appearing to bump fist with Vitani.

"Why won't you fist bump me?!" Luffy cried, beginning to crawl up the pole.

"Jealous, Captain?" She asked as he stretched for her. She disappeared once again, landing behind Zoro.

"Missed me." She teased, dangling it infront of his chest.

"Hey, Wait-" Luffy had reached for the hat but instead hit Zoro. Vitani burst into laughter, collapsing on the ground and rolling onto her back. Luffy took his hat as Zoro stood, placing his blade to her chin.

She laughed, glaring up at him suddenly.

"Tweca (shut up)." He huffed as she laughed, raising an eyebrow.

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