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Vitani was knocked back, in turn shocking her attacker. She slammed into the wall, lashing her tail furiously. Zoro and Sanji had also been knocked back, Vitani slowly looking up as the octopus created a tornado.

Zoro slowly stood, Vitani smirking.

She watched as he sliced the octopus' chest, and he collapsed. It was clear that Zoro was tired, Vitani watching the sweat dribble down his chin. His body visible shook in strain, Vitani slowly slipping an arrow into her quiver.

She watched the octopus slam his head into Zoro's wound as they rolled on the ground. Zoro was thrown backwards, slicing the octopus' hands before landing against the wall. He staggered, the octopus drawing his sword and running forward.

Zoro twisted, breaking his opponent's swords before slicing him once again. The octopus plummeted into the ground, Vitani stepping in beside Zoro.

Sanji leapt in, deflecting the punch of the incoming fisherman who had aimed for Zoro before ducking as Vitani smacked her foot into his head. Sanji fled into the water after Luffy, leaving Vitani with Zoro. She felt water splash against her thigh as the fisherman dove after Sanji, balling her fist.

"You never told me." She turned back to the fisherman who had previously attacked her. "Where'smy sister?"

"Sister?" Zoro grunted, Vitani giving no reply.

She ran forward before Zoro could speak, aiming her pulsating fist for the fisherman but he merely dodged them.

"If you can't touch me, you're useless!" He laughed, her bow slamming into his cheek. He was knocked back, Vitani wrapping her legs around his chin and holding him in place.

"Where is She?!" She was straining. He grunted in reply as her hands grabbed his chin.

"Arlong." She hummed. "You've yet to see my full potential. The only reason I haven't killed you is so Luffy can deal with you himself, but your men are really not enough anymore." She closed her eyes, searching his mind.

"Vitani!" Zoro called as she closed her eyes, a steady trail of blood falling from her eyes.

She searched throughout his mind for her sister's face, her body beginning to shake weakly. She wasn't like her mother; her body couldn't withstand much mind search.

Sanji's fisherman ran for her, although he interfered and slammed his leg into his neck. The fish man was knocked into the ground, bombarded with kicks.

Vitani felt her hope beginning to drain until she saw the faint glimpse of Kierra. She was light-skinned with short curls on her head no longer than an inch. She wore drapes, covered in dirt and bruises as she panted on the ground. The figure of a large woman towered over her, holding the chain latched on to Kierra's neck. Vitani recognized the terrain of the strange island but before she could search anymore everything went black.

Arlong had kicked her back, Vitani plummeting through the walls of the building. She lay still for a moment, shaking violently.

"Kierra." She whispered, attempting to stand. "Kierra, Kierra, Kierra, Kierra!" Her voice was growing louder. She stood, slamming her fist into the rock. It broke, electricity extruding from her fist as the purple paints along her body and face glew brightly. Her eyes seemed to sharpen on Arlong who tended at her power.

"You sold my sister as a slave!" She roared, silence following her. Arlong hummed, raising an eyebrow.

"The Opavian are truly an amazing species." He hummed.

"Tre vasu la! (I'll kill you)" She swore, running forward.As she disappeared, she reappeared just before Sanji as he grabbed her arm roughly to stop her. Thunder rolled behind the horizon, a stray lightning strike visible in the distance.

"Vitani!" He yelled as she shocked him, Sanji falling back. She leapt up for Arlong but a body slammed into her and threw her to the ground. It rolled with her for a moment, Vitani's rage overtaken by confusion as she looked down into a sea of green hair holding her waist.

"Z-Zoro?!" She snapped, as he held her for a moment. He sat infront of her slowly, panting softly.

"You're in no shape to go off fighting him. What you did took too much energy. You'll die if you even try." He muttered. Vitani's rara pinned. "We'll wait for Luffy."

"Luffy?!" She whispered, looking up. Arlong had towered over them, Sanji weakly standing. Zoro fell back into the ground, his eyes half-opened with the only sign of life being his faintly rising chest.

"Sanji." She whispered. She cradled Zoro, the pair looking back at Nami as she approached the group.

"Arlong!" She yelled.

"Why have you come here?" He laughed, Vitani blinking slowly.

"To kill you." She replied dryly.

"To kill...me?" He laughed. "You never learn do you?" He hummed. Vitani slowly dragged Zoro back, holding him in her lap.

"Sanji." She whispered, pulling Zoro up so he leaned on her shoulder. She slowly stood, her legs shaking.

"But I can't let these guys live." Arlong hummed through his speech, knocking Vitani down. She grunted, violently shaking.

"159 million berries for this child." He grabbed Vitani's hair, pulling her up. The sweat beads falling through her hair were enough to allow her to electrocute him, Vitani falling to the ground. She looked up at a huge Geiser of water coming from the middle of the body of water surrounding them.

"About time." She stood, looking up at Zoro who had risen.

"Take a break." He hummed softly so she could hear. "I can only last thirty seconds."

"That's more than enough time." Sanji smirked before diving into the water, approaching the geiser.

"I can't take a break and let you go fight alone." Vitani shook her head. Arlong lurched after Sanji although Zoro sliced his cheek to draw his attention away from Sanji.

He panted weakly, Vitani standing behind Arlong.

Arlonh licked his bleeding cheek, Vitani pacing shakingly. She side-stepped to her bow, Usopp firing an egg at Arlong although he simply raised his hand to block the egg.

"Standing in my way, looks like you want to die first." Arlong hummed.

"There's no way I'll die. I'll break your pointed nose!" Zoro called. Arlong leaned down, aiming his sword-like nose for Zoro.

He deflected it with his sword, Vitani leaping over him. She flipped, her finger brushing the sword to send electric energy towards Arlong. He leaned forward, Vitani landing with her back towards Arlong infront of Zoro.

"You'll all die!" He shoved his nose through her chest, Vitani choking softly. He grabbed their necks and held them up, Vitani breathing hoarsely. Arlong tore off Zoro's chest wrappings to inspect the scar, Vitani weakly looking over. Blood dripped down him, Arlong staring in awe.

He tossed Vitani aside, Zoro suddenly smirking. She rolled into the wall, Luffy flying into the air.

"Wahhhhh! I'm back!" He yelled, Vitani smirking weakly on the ground. He pulled Zoro up, causing him to go flying and Luffy to plummet to the ground.

He bombarded Arlong with punches and kicks, the building eventually toppling on him.

"Did you do something?" Arlong moved the fallen wood.

"Yeah. That was my warm-up." Luffy cracked his knuckles and proceeded to stretch.

Vitani looked up during their fight, blocking her face as rocks toppled onto her. She breathed hoarsely, no one seeming to notice her burial. Her thighs were stuck along with her torso and all she could hear was the clashing of the fight.

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