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"Vitani, what are we going to get accomplished just sitting here? Luffy and the others have got the gold, when are we going to meet up?!" Kierra snapped at Vitani who sat on the ground. She looked up at the sky and sighed, closing her eyes.

"If we show ourselves now, it will only worsen the situation." She leaned forward and twitched her ear. "Just a little longer."

Kierra turned at the sound of the impact dial, pushing the boat onto the sea.

"That's the que." Vitani smirked and stood. Kierra slammed her foot on the ground, raising a rock bridge. Eos and Zeze bounded across it, Vitani sitting up.

Eos bellowed as cannons were fired at the bridge, Zeze struggling to keep her footing. A cannon was fired infront of her, Zeze sliding off the bridge. She dug her nails into the rock, Eos looking back.

"Luffy!" Vitani screamed, clinging onto Zeze. She looked up as someone hit the water, Zeze being pushed back onto the bridge. She looked back and offered her hand to her savor only to find it was one of Robin's hands.

Zeze continued her bound and leapt up onto the ship as it began to float above the water.

"Hey." Luffy beamed as Kierra looked away.

"where the hell were you two?" Nami demanded, marching forward as they drifted in the sky.

"Vitani got captured and once she escaped, we chilled in the forest for a minute." Kierra explained. "Is that a problem?"

"Well your oblaid or whatever could have been extremely useful!" Usopp snapped, Vitani grabbing his collar.

"I get captured and all you care about is my stupid powers?!" She roared. Her voice cracked in anger. "You didn't even come back for us, ya know?! You would have left us if Nami didn't think about the damned gold!"

She felt an arm pull her back and she glared up to see Luffy. He placed the hat on her head and leaned down with a grin.

"You think we would have left you? Gold or no gold?" she chewed her lip. "You're a Straw Hat. Aren't we friends??"

Vitani glared at Usopp who shivered as she handed Luffy's hat over. Vitani walked past him and sat down on the deck to redo her paints. She looked up as the octopus deflated and they landed back in the sea. Luffy set it free, the Straw Hats waving thanks and farewell to the creature. Vitani sighed and ran a hand through her hair before she placed it up into a bun. Kierra sat down beside her and sighed, placing her hands behind her head.

Kierra stood as they arrived at an island, watching as Luffy, Usopp, and Chopper rolled around in the grass.

"The trees are so tall." Vitani murmured beside Sanji who hummed his agreement.

They waited for a minute, Zoro glancing around at the quiet ship.

"Where are the others?" He hummed, earning Vitani's attention. Vitani leapt onto the deck, turning as a large shadow cast over them. She balled her fist beside Nami and Kierra, glaring up at the giant ship.

"A hoy!!!" A small man yelled, sporting a pointy nose. "Who are you?"

"Who are you?!" Kierra snapped back.

"We are the Foxy Pirates!" He pointed to Luffy. "And we challenge you to a Davy Jones Batlle."

"Luffy, you should be careful." Kierra whispered softly approaching him. "These games are a huge gamble. And We don't know anyone-"

"Okay!" Luffy declared, Kierra lashing her tail.

"What did I just say?!"

"What's a Davy Jones battle?" Nami whispered.

"It's extremely stupid." Vitani explained behind crossed arms staring at the plains of the island. "They play a series of games and after each game, the winner can take a crew member. I doubt Luffy would agree to something so-" she paused at the sound of two faint gunshots, closing her eyes.

"He agreed!" Kierra stormed past them.

"I didn't expect less from our captain." Vitani replied softly. "He's a complete scalm." The Foxy Pirates flooded the grass, setting up booths for food. Vitani sat down on the ground beside Robin. They listened softly to the rules, watching as Nami and Usopp begged for Luffy to choose only one match. Although, to their dismay, he chose three.

Vitani listened in silence to the explanation of the Donut Race and as the other straw hats worked to build their boats, Her and Kierra watched in silence.

"Vitani, aren't you going to participate?" Robin asked curiously.

"Nah." Kierra answered for her.

"We wouldn't be much help on our own boat or out their at all. If we were to fall into the water it would only slow you all down. We'll stay here." Vitani looked up and gave a reassuring smile.

"You do know that their eyes are on you two?" Sanji leaned down to whisper in Vitami's ear. "Be smart."

"alright." She murmured back as he stood. He smirked down at her, turning away.

"Sanji." She called, standing. "Give 'em Hell."

He smirked over his shoulder before being called to continue on the boat. Vitani watched in silence beside Kiera, the pair spectating the boat race. Kierra fiddled with her thumbs, Vitani glancing over at her.


"No." Kierra lied.

Vitani looked over at her and raised an eyebrow.

"Luffy's got our backs, ya know?"

"Yeah, it's just He doesn't realize what he's getting himself into. Do you not remember what happened when Kendrick got into a Davey Back?"

Vitani snorted softly, tilting her head back and laughing. Kierra watched with a faint smile.

"Yes." She mused between giggles. "He's such an idiot."

"Dad came and got us all back though." Kierra smiled softly. She looked up.

"I wonder where he even is."

Vitani ears twitched, watching Luffy and Sanji swim ashore. They watched the conclusion of the race and leapt down for the respectful choosing.

The Foxy Foxy captain stood on stage, a wide grin upon his face. "The three crewmen I will be taking-"

"Three?" Vitani challenged, raising an eyebrow.

"Your past Captain bet triple or nothing." He smirked and leaned forward. "I choose you three!"

"Me?!" Chopper fretted as he pointed to Chopper, Kierra, and Vitani.

She gritted her teeth as the three walked forward, Chopper being carried. They took a seat, Vitani crossing her legs. As he placed Chopper's glasses on, Kierra took her's.

"Vitani." He grinned. "You must pledge your loyalty to me."

She turned to him with a glare. Silence followed her action as Chopper sobbed. He burried his head into her waist.

"Luffy! I only came out to sea so I could be with you!" Chopper sobbed , clutching Vitani's waist. "Please, help me!"

"No." Vitani stated bluntly, glaring at Foxy.

"No pirate would respect what you two are doing." Zoro snapped. "Crying and refusing shit isn't going to help. Usopp and the others tried their best."

She closed her eyes and snatched the glasses. Foxy Foxy smirked, Chopper standing.

"Do whatever you want to me!" He declared. Vitani glanced at Kierra as the next challenge began to start.

"Zoro." She yelled, her eyes closed. She flicked her tail. "Yugan de fos. (Get us back)."

He smirked and turned away, staring up at their three large opponents alongside Sanji.

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