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kendrick walked down the steps clumsily , vitani scowling in disapproval.

"you need to be careful." she warned as kendrick shooed her away.

"and you, trisa , should lighten up. this will be a breeze." as he stepped forward, the stairs opened to reveal a large gap in the floor. Kendrick slipped down, Vitani peering over the edge in disapproval.

Kendrick drifted up from the hole on his cloud, sheepishly grinning.

"Whoops." he teased as Vitani stepped back and crossed her arms.

"Where'd your asiago come from?" He pat his pocket in response, Vitani offering an understanding nod. the brown sack was now limp, kendrick tucking the exterior into his pocket so it no longer hung from his hip.

vitani advanced forward, pausing at an entry-way once they had reached the bottom of the steps.

"hm." kendrick drifted forward, reading the rotted sign. "walk straight."

"i'll check it out." vitani stepped forward into the dark room cautiously. she took careful steps, glancing back at kendrick.

"what's that smell?" she called, her voice echoing out.

"i don't smell anything." he sniffed the air, drifting forward on the cloud.

vitani's fist crackled with electricity before slamming it on the ground. the energy pulsated along the ground and to the walls, the light flashing briefly to reveal an endless pool of snakes below. one had slithered just before her foot, vitani screaming and kicking it away desperately.

she stumbled in reaction, her foot slipping into the pit as she began to fall over.

"Vitani!" Kendrick panicked reaching out. the wind pushed her foot up so he could catch it, pulling her up slowly. she grabbed his arm and pulled herself up onto the thin cloud, shaking.

the asiago shot towards the lit-exit and only stopped once it had reached it. vitani and kendrick rolled forward, sprawling out on the cool ground once they had stopped.

"trisa" kendrick breathed and stood, frantically looking over at her. "te cha la?! (are you ok)"

"yes." she rose slowly, looking over her ankle to make sure she had no bites.

kendrick helped her stand, both of their ears snapping at a loud roar. a large wolf-like creature walked forward before them, it's large body nearly the size of a ship. vitani blinked, kendrick casting a wicked grin.

"it's blocking the exit." vitani noted.

"look it gave us a house-warming gift." he beamed, picking up a skull from the ground.

"that's not how house warming gifts work." vitani muttered as kendrick hummed. he presented the skull to the beast with a grin, watching it roar out once again before lunging forward. vitani disappeared and kendrick dove to the side to dodge it's large paw. it roared as kendrick drew his scythe, vitani leaping over him to land on it's paw. she slammed her dagger inbetween his claw, the creature screaming and flicking her back. she skidded beside kendrick as he ran forward.

a gust of wind pushed him up, drawing his scythe over his shoulder and slicing just above the creature's eye. it cried out and backed up, vitani leaping off the wall and landing on his ear. she gripped ahold of it, digging her foot into his jaw and pushing desperately.

"kendrick!" she strained, her brother shooting up above her. he raised his scythe and leapt off the asiago, slicing the creature's head off with one swift movement. he landed beside vitani who wiped blood off her shoulder.

"you know what i've been thinking about, Tan?" kendrick announced as she walked to the exit.


"if oboiye has already gone through these trials, why is there no sign of him? i mean that thing back there had no battle wounds or anything. and i can't smell him anywhere."

vitani turned and inhaled slowly, closing her eyes. "you're right. which means this can't be the same way oboiye went." she looked up at kendrick and then the room around them.

"should i search?"

"nah." kendrick smiled and popped his back. "one way or another we'll get our answer."

vitani hummed in thought before nodding. "let's go."

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