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"Vitani!" Kierra cried as Usopp grabbed Vitani's arm and pulled her back. Storm clouds had begun to brew, the sorrow, anger, and confusion in her eyes taking him aback as she looked back at him.

"I'll stay with her." Kierra pushed him gently. "Just go!" Usopp spared a final glance to Vitani before rushing off.

She remained bent over, teeth gritted as she gripped the dirt. She slowly sat up as rain hit her arm, looking up at footsteps.

"Luffy." She stumbled to her feet and rushed to Sanji who was holding the unconscious boy.

"Is He Alright?!" She asked softly, the rain falling down her cheeks to appear like tears.

"Yeah, he just needs to eat." Sanji assured her with a small smile. "are you alright?"

She nodded, looking down. "I'm sorry."

"Just because you care doesn't mean you have to apologize." Nami approached behind Sanji, smiling.

"Thank you." She murmured. She turned to Zoro as he looked away, Vitani peering up at him.

"Thanks." She pushed his shoulder. "For catching me." He grunted in response.

"So Luffy killed Crocodile?!" Kierra whispered as Usopp nodded. Vitani pulled away from Zoro, locking gazes with Vivi.

Zoro turned and grunted as Vitani approached her. She took Vivi's hands, looking up.

"I'm sorry you were never informed of Pell being Opavian." She started softly. "I hope it doesn't change the way you look at him."

"He was a great man." She shook her head and smiled sadly. "He would always talk about this woman he loved but I never would have imagined this woman he described would be standing before me right now." Vitani smiled sadly as well, her grip tightening.

"Pell wouldn't want us to be sad though." She sniffled, Vivi nodding. They embraced one another, Vitani sighing softly.

"It was nice being here for you." Vitani smiled.

"It was nice having you here to fight alongside me. It means a lot. If you ever need anything, give me a call."

Vitani nodded and glanced back, Usopp waving blissfully beside Kierra.

"Vivi! Vitani!" They looked up as Zoro called. "Come on."

That night, Vitani and Kierra stayed with the others in the castle. Both were taken aback by the sudden wave of exhaustion and fell into a deep sleep, assured by the safety their Rekrans ensured (who were sleeping outside their room). Vitani was balled up in her covers, Kierra the exact opposite. She was spread out between her and Usopp's beds, pushing him to the edge.

They rose early the following morning to depart off of Luffy's orders.

"Luffy!" Kierra yelled, flying down the sail post as the ship moved away from the dock. "We've got Marines on our ass."

Mr.2 had joined them, the marines firing medal post into the side of the Going Merry. Kierra looked up as Nami gasped, running forward. She pushed Nami aside and caught the medal post, the force pushing her back. She gritted her teeth until she came to a complete stop, standing.

She threw the pole, watching it crash into a ship and sink it.

"Bon Clay!" Kierra roared as he turned.

"I've got a plan!" Mr.2, Bon Clay, announced. "To let you guys escape, I" he touched his face, switching to look like Luffy, "Will take them somewhere else!" Kierra blinked as his crew members also stepped forward, dressed as various other Straw Hats. "So you guys can get away, Straw Hat!"

"But they'll catch you!" Luffy insisted as Bon Clay pushed him away.

"Go! This is what friends are for!" He smiled. The Straw Hats were piled into the bunker, Kierra holding the wall as Bon Clay's footsteps thundered above.

"Vitani is better at this than me." She stammered nervously, closing her eyes.

"Where is Vitani anyway?" Zoro huffed, Nami shrugging.

"I saw her board the ship." Usopp murmured.

"I think they fell for it and are heading after Bon Clay." She nodded and crawled out to the deck. Kierra leapt up and turned the sail, a gust of wind pushing them towards the shore.

"Are you sure Vivi will be here?" Kierra asked, Luffy nodding. Once they had arrived, they waited a couple of minutes in the dock.

"What the hell is going on?!" Vitani stepped out, steam streaming after her. Her hair was soaked, a towel hanging around her bare body.

"You were taking a shower?!" Kierra snapped.

"Marines were shooting at us and you were taking a shower!" Zoro yelled, pointing his finger at her face. She glared up at him and turned, intentionally spraying him with water droplets.

"Oi!" She slammed the door, Kierra turning. Her ear twitched and she beamed, looking down at Vivi who stood on the shore.

"It's Vivi!" She announced, the straw hats looking back.

"Luffy!Everyone!" She yelled, sadness hinted in her voice. "I...I'm sorry." she yelled. "I can't join you all on your journey! I know I said I would but...Alabasta needs me. And I can't make you all wait for me!" Vitani stepped outside the bathroom. She wore a hoodie and joggers, stepping in beside Zoro who turned to her.


"I heard." She stated firmly, water falling from her chin. Luffy inhaled to scream farewell but Nami quickly slammed him down onto the ground.

"Luffy, we can't." She whispered. "The navy's still around" She looked over her shoulder at the ship's in the distance. "If they hear anything and find out Vivi's affiliation with pirates, they could kill her."

Vitani looked down at Vivi before her lips curled into a wicked smirk. She raised her bow, turning her back to Vivi.

Kierra turned away as well and raised one of her blades, the rest of the straw hats raising their arms where an 'x' was drawn. Vitani rested her arm on Zoro's shoulder.

"Well, Zoro you gonna miss your girlfriend?"

"That wasn't my girlfriend." He snarked as she burst out in laughter.

"Yeah okay?" She pushed his face. "Go exercise, Satseyu."

"What does that even mean?"

"Maybe you should find out." She shrugged. "We've got nothing more to do. I can teach you some Opavian."

"Zoro's incapable of learning any other language besides stupidity." Sanji snarked, Vitani snorting.

"Shut up you damn cook!" Zoro snapped. "I'll learn Opavian before you."

"Oh really?"

Zoro took Vitani's hand and pulled her back, placing his elbow on her shoulder.

"She'll be helping me!"

"Oh yeah?!" Sanji grabbed Nami and placed his elbow on her.

"She'll be helping me!"

"What are you talking about?!" Nami fretted as he looked down.

"Wrong girl." He grabbed Kierra's arm and pulled her to him.

"She'll be helping me."

"Helping you what?" Kierra stammered.

"Learn Opavian."

"Why would you want to-"

"Because I want Zoro to know I'm better!" He turned her around and proceeded to lead her away. "Now, how do you say hello?"

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