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Kierra ducked down as the battleships surrounded them, gritting her teeth. the announcer yelled over the speaker about identifying zoro and Nico Robin on the ship.

"Kierra, stay up there!" Nami huffed. "If they catch you somehow it's over. I think we can handle them!"

Kierra breathed heavily, listening to Franky and Usopp yell to Luffy still fighting in the columns. Kierra's ear's pinned, looking back as she listened to them announce that they were preparing to take down the straw hats. Kierra's teeth gritted, looking at her hand.

"Nami, I'm going to try something!" She yelled. "I just need you to hold them off!"

"Got it!" she yelled. Kierra closed her eyes, her skin darkening until it was pitch black minus the glow of her paints.

the ships rocked back and forth slightly as the waters roughened, the ground shaking below Enies Lobby.

"What is she doing?!" Nami cried, looking up at the post. Kierra sat, her eyes opening pitch white. She stood, the men screaming her name in fear. She leapt down onto the bridge, the stone cracking below her. She slammed her foot on the ground so it cracked, biting her thumb until she drew blood. She drew a symbol on the ground, sitting down in it. she inhaled, her eyes flashing open. a rock monster emerged from the water, huge and massive like a giant. It roared, balling his fist and slammed it down on a ship. Canons fired at it's face as he roared, punching through another ship.

"Kill her!" a man aimed a shot at Kierra as the monster reached out to block the bullet. He turned, glaring at the men before tearing a piece of the bridge. He threw it at the ship and roared.

Kierra's head suddenly snapped upon hearing Usopp threaten to fight Lucci. She gritted her teeth, running from the circle. the rock monster fell as she sprinted for Usopp.

"Usopp shut up!" she yelled, stumbling.

"Usopp stop!" Nami screamed. Kierra stumbled past her, spotting Luffy on the ground in defeat with Lucci facing Usopp. She gritted her teeth, speeding up.

Lucci shot up infront of Usopp, Kierra screaming.

"No!" She screamed, a fist suddenly punching him back. Kierra skidded to a hault as Zoro smirked, Vitani standing before Usopp. She panted, steam rising her from body.

"Vitani" Kierra whispered.

"Get back and help the others." she glanced over her shoulder at Kierra. Lucci gritted his teeth as he stood in the column once more, Luffy finally rising.

"You did good Usopp." Vitani turned and brushed past him as he breathed. Kierra stared in shock, turning back upon hearing Eos roar.

"Hurry up." Vitani disappeared, reappearing on a marine ship. Kierra grinned and ran forward, skidding back into the spot and allowing the rock monster to rise once again.

Vitani leapt up onto the bridge, tackling the man dealing with Franky. She rolled, kicking him off the bridge.


"Surprise!" she faked a smile, distracted by the fight. she dodged a sword, pulling her bow and smacking him away. She rolled to dodge Kierra's giants fist as he swiped away a swarm of soldiers, Vitani leaping up. She clung onto his thumb, running up his arm and leaping onto his shoulder.

"How the hell do i get in this thing again?" She huffed as he roared. Vitani sat in his shoulder comfortably, aiming arrows at the soldiers. She looked over at an explosion, the rock giant throwing up his hand to protect her. She gasped, looking at Luffy's body limp on the ground as the marines announced Luffy had defeated Lucci.

"Zeze!" Vitani cried as the rekran ran forward.

"We're gonna go back together!" Luffy cried. "Robin!"

Zeze picked Luffy up in her jaw gently and eased him onto her back. She ran back towards the bridge, Vitani standing. the giant roared, Vitani yapping as she raised her bow over her head.

"Luffy!" she screamed in admiration. "Te Triste! (you did it)"

Nami ordered everyone onto the ship, Vitani looking up at the loud voices coming from the speaker. The marines looked equally confused as they cheered for Luffy, her eyes narrowing.

"Those voices, those are-"

"Bro!" they cried from the speaker, Vitani looking over at the island.

"So they did make it out." She smiled at the thought of Paulie and the others, chuckling.

She listened to them assure everyone was okay, Vitani inhaling. Kierra smirked, her creature sinking into the ocean. Her rock gollum appeared on the island, pulling the men up ontop the cliff. She helped sit the giants upright before the rock giant collapsed into earth . Kierra was thrown back from the circle as her body converted to normal. her paints had been fried off, her skin bare and freckled.

"Good job Arisa." Vitani helped her stand, running back to the ship. Kierra pulled Vitani as a cannon was fired at the escape ship, screaming out of horror.

"Wait, Chopper!" Vitani screamed, watching the ship sink.

"Chimney, Gonbe, Kokorou!" Kierra stammered.

Sanji ran through the smoke, carrying Kokorou and Chopper with Chimney hanging on. He charged past them, Vitani coughing as the smoke shot in his face.


"They're okay!" he yelled, Vitani inhaling before sprinting after him.

"What do we do now?!" Vitani panted once they had made it onto the bridge, looking over her shoulder at the ship.

"hey where's Zeze?" Kierra hummed, Vitani looking around. She looked up as the bridge began to collapse, canons being repeatedly fired. Eos ran alongside Vitani, Kierra clinging onto her back desperately. Zoro turned and sliced a rock flying for Vitani, the ships haulting fire. they surrounded the tiny piece of bridge left, Vitani inhaling. they allturned their cannons to Luffy, who lay on the ground once again with Zeze no where to be found.

"Luffy get up!" They screamed, Vitani staring forward.

"Luffy please!" Kierra cried.

"Come on Luffy!" Vitani screamed. Usopp suddenly ordered Robin to drop Luffy into the sea, Vitani and Kierra staring forward in confusion.

"Into the sea?!" they screamed in confusion. Zoro grabbed Vitani and threw her over the edge, Usopp throwing Kierra as well. Vitani screamed in horror as the Going Merry awaited them in the waters below.

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