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Upon arrival at shore, the straw hats were accused of stealing the villager's memories, sending the people into a rampage. They chased them, baring weapons and screaming in anger as they chased the crew.

"They think we stole their memories?!" Nami panted as Vitani ran beside her.

"I mean it can't be helped, we're pirates." Zoro huffed back.

"I'll buy us some time." Kierra smirked and turned, kicking her foot up before slamming it into the ground as an explosion of rocks shot up to form a wall.

"Nice Kierra!" Luffy cackled as they leapt up onto the ship, Vitani drawing in the anchor. She sat down, Zeze nuzzling against her cheek as Eos rubbed against Kierra.

"That brings back memories." Kierra sighed after she was done playing with Eos.

"Memories?" Robin asked curiously. "Of?"

"Running." Kierra simply stated, with a faint smile.

"From what, Kierra-chan?" Sanji questioned.

"I told you a while ago, us Opavians were notorious pirates. Me and my older brother led an assassination unit and well..." Vitani ran a finger over her bow.

"Well?" Zoro tempted.

"One time we almost got caught." Kierra laughed. "It was crazy."

"Tell the story then." Nami tempted.

"Well..." Vitani sighed. "You already know about Kendrick, Kierra, and Me. You've never met my brother Oboiye. He's got the dark dark fruit, and controls shadows and shadow manipulation. He's the oldest out of us by 3 years. He's very quiet and contempt and usually keeps to himself. You'd think he's a straight asshole until you actually get to talk to him." Vitani smiled.

There was a sudden roll of thunder ahead before the story could continue, the crew members looking up.

"Hey, Captain help me out here!" Usopp yelled as Luffy laughed. Vitani looked up at the approaching wave, Kierra whistling in awe.

"Whoa! What a huge wave it's scary!" He gaped.

"Luffy, help out!" Kierra leapt up, running to the sails.

Chopper began to fret over the mast, Sanji quickly assuring him that even if the sails broke, nothing would happen to the ship.

The crew turned at a faint voice, spotting the foxy pirates on their own ship worrying about their mast as well in the distance.

"Ahoy! Guys! Long time no see huh?" Luffy yelled as Vitani snatched him.

"It's the Foxy Pirates." She snapped as he laughed.

"Coincidence huh?"

"Don't look!" Foxy yelled. "Straw hat's we haven't fallen as low as to need your help anymore." He yelled, Luffy shrugging.

"See ya!" He waved.

"Wait!" Foxy cried. "Hey! If you want to help us we're fine with that you know." He huffed.

They looked back as a giant wave readied above their ship, crying out in fear.

"Here!" Luffy stretched a rope. "Grab onto this!"

The three pirates grabbed his arm, Luffy shaking his head.

"Not my arm!"

"Luffy!" Usopp grabbed him as he began to slip. The pirates catapulted into the side of the ship, Usopp and Luffy struggling to pull them up.

Kierra yanked them up, the straw hats looking down on them.

"Vitani." Luffy called as she stood beside Zoro, arms crossed. "Go get our guest some blankets."

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