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Kendrick's Head turned as he chewed on an apple slowly. Skylar looking up beside him as well.

"You really shouldn't give out your name to strangers. You're a wanted opavian ya know." She scolded softly, Kendrick gritting his teeth.

"She's right." Ada spoke from his other side, eating her meal as well. "You can't go around, giving people hopes that you'll be at their service at the simple call of your name."

"Alright, Alright!" He huffed, pinning his ears. "I never realized I had two moms."

Skylar laughed, pushing her empty plate forward.

"Eneru's plan should be commencing soon. We should head back down to the Blue Sea soon and-"


"Damnit!" He slammed his hand on the ground and turned to the direction of the Upper Land.

"KENDRICK-SAMA! PLEASE!" A woman sobbed, Skylar standing.

The faint drumming had stopped and the Opavians looked at him in silence.


"You shouldn't go around swearing so much." Ada warned behind closed eyes as he stood.

"Well?" Skylar hummed mockingly. "Someone sounds like they really need you."

He scoffed. "That's not my problem."


"I'm the captain!" He reminded harshly, turning. "I said no." As he opened the door, a yap caught his attention and he turned.

"Is that-"

"No way."

"It's Baltay!" Skylar cried, the Opavians breaking out into cheers. Baltay, Marco, Zeda, Jace, and Chris were helped onto Kendrick's boat, Ada greeting them with a head dip before Kendrick was bowled over in rough hugs.

"Ah ha!" He laughed. "What the hell brought you idiots here?!"

"We brought you news!" Zeda announced. "We've found your sisters."

"What?!" Ada whispered.

"Vitani and Kierra have joined a pirate crew." Baltay stepped back.

"Pirate crew?" Skylar cocked her head.

"Which one? Blackbeard? Whitebeard? Red Hai-" he stopped as Jace pulled out a piece of paper. Kendrick took it, unfolding it.

"What?!" Him and Skylar cried upon seeing Luffy's face.

"Yeah, that's their captain." Marco nodded assuredly.

"L-L-Luffy?!" He whispered and stood.

"What? You know him?!"

"He's in the Upper Yard about to face Eneru." Kendrick walked forward, beginning to yell out orders.

"Fifty Opavian come aboard. Including you five." He pointed to Baltay and the others.

"What's the Upper Yard?" Zeda asked as Kendrick lifted his hand.

"I'll explain on the way. Ma" He turned to her. "Come. Just Incase anyone is wounded."

"Okay." She nodded. A gust of wind shot the boat forward, the Opavians grinning as they neared the island.

Kendrick looked down as a small Waver sped by, spotting an angel on it. She gasped up at him as they passed, her Waver pulling to a hault. She sobbed, throwing her hands up.

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