I vs Great Silver

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"Hello young man! My name is Argentrix and I am surprised that a human does not collapse in my presence. You're the first one! I admire your courage!"

I look at her, without kneeling, in the eyes and everywhere on her.

"You are magnificent Argentrix, nature has fulfilled you, you are really a beautiful dragon!"

Argentrix: "How do you know I'm a female dragon and not a dragon?"

"You talk to me in draconian and not in common!"

Argentrix: "Ah! YOU SPEECH OUR LANGUAGE??????"

Me: "Yes! I was Merlin's apprentice for a few months! "

"Merlin? THE MERLIN? The half devil?"

Yes, "Merlin, said, the wizard!"

Argentrix frowned at him: "But that's the name of the overseas world!"

"Yes, that's where I was born!"

Argentrix: "Ahhn, I understand your incredible resistance to magic!"

"I've been trying to put you to sleep for some time but it doesn't work, I'm going to have to knock you out small, don't take it the wrong way but I don't have a choice, it's nothing personal, you know?"

Me:" I see you wearing an invisible necklace of submission! And I also see an immense sadness in your eyes"

GRRRR . Argentrix burst into tears! "Sorry, kid, I can't resist the pain!"

"How to remove this necklace?" I asked her!

"You must defeat me! "but you don't stand a chance! I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

What are you going to do to me? "I will take you to the camp of Guldan the Necromancer"

Me: "Then we'll kill him together!"

Argentrix "If you could"

And she put her paw on me to grab/stun me but I pushed her back with one hand. my feet sinking into the ground.

Launch comes out Light!


Razor Hooks Razor

Sharp wings

Reinforced shield

Magnetic Armor

And like a golgothe, the pieces of my anti-tank armor Chtola came to be put in place as I grew up!

"Schlank, Clank" made the armor pieces by pressing against my body.

Blow protection!


Falsification of pm

Falsification of PVs


BAM I did by tapping my paw on the ground!

Argentrix: "YouYou You are the disaster!"

Me: "Yes, for my enemies! No for my family.!

Argentrix :" even without a necklace, I will defend the village."

"Argentrix, you are a beautiful and beautiful dragon. You're the first female I've ever seen and you look beautiful! Let me help you!"

"No, you're going to eat them."

Me:" But I've never eaten humans! I come from overseas and the boy you saw is me! But my soul was exchanged with a defeated dragon!"

Argentrix:" But I feel the evil in you! You smell like a demon, Lord!"

Me:" Normal, I killed Bhaal! His legions have joined me. I have eight infernal legions under my command."

Argentrix: "What are you doing away from your land then?"

Me: "Have you ever seen that you give a kid a kingdom to rule? Besides, they smelled like cabbage! And so did the palace! Do you think it's great to sleep next to monsters?"

Argentrix laughed "HAhaha, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA! MOUAAAHHAHAHAHAAAAAAAHAHAHA, you're killing me with laughter!"

"A deserter Lord Demon!"

Argentrix: "And where is your army?"

Me: "There, in my shadow... Do you think it's great to have eyes in your shadow? No matter how much I run, she follows me everywhere!..."

Sniff, Argentrix, will you become my friend? I'm so alone! I mean, I have my brothers and Mommy Hissa here and we defend orphans, you know? Besides, we pray to you every day, even me.

Argentrix cried!

"Ivan, it's not that simple... forces are at work and I would like to believe you, but we're on opposite sides. A little like in chess, if the white lady loves the black king, they can't be friends... So, be careful."

I said, "What if I surrender?"

Argentrix:" You will disappoint me and your sacrifice will amplify the war. Then fight then and earn my respect!"

I, the last black dragon child (TOME 1 of the TIAMAT'S  WARS SERIE)Where stories live. Discover now