The Cage

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I felt like I was in a cave or a huge dungeon but time passed quickly or slowly, I couldn't tell!

I went to bed and remained silent.

I was an animal!

I withdrew into myself and watched for the slightest noise and draught. Sometimes I would hear rales and screams and repeatedly a clang of a big grid hitting its frame and it would squeak.

I try to launch care but a buzz takes my head and the necklace gets hot. I try again and the necklace doesn't heat up but it burns me. Impossible!

I pull on the wall, I try to unhook one of the chains and if I can do it I will twist it and pry it up. But I can't. The only thing I managed to do was to have a turn in addition to a chain around my neck.

I was strangling myself.

Never mind, I'm dying!

Die for die!

Might as well end it that way... I'll join Mom and Godmother.

And I'm choking!

An incredible electric shock and pain took me by the necklace and stopped my impulses.

A voice said to me, "You can try harder!"


GRRRRRRR, you again! Wait! Wait! One day you'll make a mistake but I won't miss you then! GRRAAARRRRR!

Merlin: "We can stay like this for a long time if you don't want to listen."


I pull and pull and my flesh tears and I collapse from pain!


Somewhere in King Arthur's castle:" So, Merlin, how is he?" Arthur asked.

Merlin: "Bad, very bad! He has given up living and for a child it is the worst thing.

His heart is broken by all our violence and frankly, I have a bad prognosis. Even if we release him, I think he's trying to take his own life! He is as unhappy as the world. Everyone betrayed him and all his hopes were destroyed."

"I know how to use magic through him. I know how to heal the flesh but not the spirit."

"What will your do with him?" King Arthur asked.

Merlin: "I think the first thing to do is to leave him alone and ask his forgiveness. Only time can calm him down, but he is filled with hatred, resentment and revenge.

Maybe if Bob or Kirine came here, he'd calm down a little. We have nothing else."

"And Mordred?" asked the king.

"Mordred, as always wants your loss, Arthur! And beware of him, he would attack the dragon's friends. Close protection is no use, but let me handle it."


I wake up with bandages around my neck. Obviously, I was healed! My wounds are closed, so we had to use magic!


I'm still blind.

I shout: "OLD MAN! Did you gouge out my eyes so I wouldn't find you?

But with your old mummy smell, don't worry, I'll find you! Unless you rip my nose off in turn!"

Merlin: "TAIS TOI! DRAGON. I will no longer call you by name but by monster or beast!.. I have a name too and if you don't learn respect you will learn to respect me!"

I, the last black dragon child (TOME 1 of the TIAMAT'S  WARS SERIE)Where stories live. Discover now