Fly, Freedom

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I leave the lake and my mountain and leave behind my friends and the king and his kingdom. Now I am entering the lands of the Visigoths.

Flying, what a great feeling.

I'm not hiding anymore!

I am myself and I let myself be lazily carried away by the hot air currents. On my left I see the inland sea, La Mare Nostre (Mediterranean) in the distance and I decide to follow the coasts.

Here and there, I see a bell tower covered with white stucco and a bell in the cross. The tiles are red and where I go, I hear the bells ringing. It's funny, funny.

I have visited some villages several times just to hear the bells.

Ding Dong Ding Ding Dong, Funny!

And I pass

And I'm coming back again!

People start running happily at my sight. It looks like they're jumping on the spot! How I want to play! Bulls also start running, but not as fast as horses.

I also practice pirouettes in the sky and I love it. I'm really starting to control the flight. I'm overexcited!

Oh, a deal! Mm, it smells like fresh bread! The village is not too big and there is a church. It's mass and a lot of people are in it, I'm going to ask for some bread or sweets and fruit, kindly.

SPLAF, I landed on the church square and the bells haven't rung yet!

Priest: "And I repeat to you my brothers, You must ask the Lord's forgiveness and remain faithful to the commandments of Jesus.

The devil or the Beast prowls around and can strike at any time. That is why donations to the church are mandatory to help your neighbours and offer shelter and food to the poor. "

A faithful: "But my father, you tell us the same speech all the time! Beast here, Beast there, it only exists in your imagination and you ask the local lord for more and more taxes for worship!"

Priest:" You will see, believe me, she is closer to you than you think. She may even be here at this door!"


The crowd is laughing! HAHAHAHAHAHA


CREEEEEAAAAAAAAAKKK I opened the door and saw a hundred faces bleaching with fear.


all at heart!

Me: "Sorry to frighten you, don't you have some bread? I'm hungry!"

Priest: "As I told you, the Beast is at our doorstep. Run away!"

But I was blocking the only way out!

People started moaning and begging! On their stomachs.

I said, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you!"

Priest: "Go away!"

Me: "My father, I am a Christian! Look, I make my sign of the cross and I repeat my prayer every night"

The Priest is stunned.

You made the bell and the censer. He threw holy water at me and I didn't move.

"WHAT do you want Beast...?" The priest whimpered.

"Me? I'm not an animal, I'm Ivan. I'd like some bread and honey and a saucepan. I'll pay in game! I'm just passing through! I don't want to hurt you!"

I, the last black dragon child (TOME 1 of the TIAMAT'S  WARS SERIE)Where stories live. Discover now