Chapter Forty Two

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Smity swung his arm from around Tommy's shoulder, stirring him awake when he saw Julian descending the steps. The young man could barely stay on his feet and when the soldiers finally threw him in the cage to join them, Julian crawled away, not sparing them a glance as he mumbled incoherently to himself.

"Julian, what's wrong?" Smity went too sit in front of the boy, his stomach tightening in a knot. He reached out to touch him and Julian flinched slightly and attempt to move away. Smity grabbed both sides of his tear stained cheeks, forcing him to look at him. "What happened?"

"I didn't mean to get her in trouble Smity, I'm so sorry. They hurt her Smity...hurt her real bad. I-I wouldn't cause no more trouble" Smity knew he was telling the truth by the fear in his eyes. The boy was accustom to violence, it was all he had known since a child, his father's cruelty was what got the captain opening his arms to this lad, years ago. There wasn't anything in the world that could scare him unless it was his father. As Julian began to sob again, this time even louder, Smity released him and rock back on his knees as the boy's words became vivid.

The screams he had heard, were Samantha's, Smity closed his eyes, inhaling a shaky breath as he did. He was really hoping it was the man's wife, although it was wrong to wish that on anyone. He didn't want it to be Samantha. What vileness, had they done to her? What vileness had Julian witness?

His eyes flew open at Tommy's light touch on his shoulder and he forced a smile in the child's direction which was not returned for Tommy was looking at Julian, with a frowned on his tiny face. "Did the soldiers hurt Julian?" He turned to Smity, eyes shimmering with tears. Tommy had seen when the soldiers came to take then above to work, they needed someone to climb the ratlines and swab at decks. Smity didn't want to leave Tommy alone, neither did the boy wanted to let him go and the screams he emitted was enough to get the soldiers to leave them alone instead they took a very reluctant Julian, who fought them all the way.

"No," Smity looked away from the boy, his hands reach out to touch his slumped shoulders lightly. "He's just sad" It was wrong to lie to him under these circumstances but he didn't want the child to be upset, Smity had only recently managed to get him joyful again after Samantha's disappearance. He had cried so much, his body was starting to burn, a fever would be disastrous. "You feeling alright?" his palm rested on one warm cheek tenderly.

Tommy nodded then looked over at Julian. "Julian misses Sammy to?" 


The corners of the child's mouth turned upwards into a smile and Smity watched as he ran, draping his arms around Julian's neck.

Julian didn't return the gesture at first but soon warm up to the child. Smity sighed, wondering if they would make it out of here alive. Captain Jake was captured for treason, which he knew wasn't the truth, and all his crew members were considered as fugitive, that in fact had some truth in it. No one would care what happens to them. But these three were innocent.

"My other two prisoners," Stephen smiled at the man that quickly surged to his feet, then his eyes gaze at the young lads.

"Where is she?" Smity growled, fingers gripping the iron bars. "What have you done to her!"

Stephen shrugged his shoulder, moving further into the room, the three men behind him following. "I haven't done anything to her.... he has" His chin thrust in the direction of Julian, who refuse to turn to meet the man's gaze. Tommy, however, managed to shot a glare at the man before Julian pulled him to sit in front of him once more, blocking his view. "Did he not tell you it was his fault or should I say the both of you?"

Captain Stephen started to pace the room at a leisure pace, hands behind his back and chin lifted in the air. "It had just come to my knowledge after one of my men, just awaken from a terrible hit to the head that, it was your refusal to work above started all this" He placed his index finger to his lips, then paused to stare at Smity. "According to him; before I killed him of course, they still haven't adhered to the fact that I don't tolerate taking advantage of a married Lady or one that's already taken" His head shook, with disapproval. "But!" He shouted, pointing the same finger now at Smity, who was silently squeezing his fingers around the iron, wishing it was this man's neck.

Whispers of the Sea (The Compulsion Bride Series) Book II (Unedited)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin