Chapter Twelve

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"Why are you wearing those clothes?"

Gabrielle pulled her head back in the window and turned towards the bed. The girl was looking at her like she had committed a crime. She looked healthier, the color had returned to cheeks and her speaking was not sluggish. Great sign that the herbs were working on building back her body. Years at sea had made Gabrielle encounter lots of herbs and their purpose, along with the Indians her father had kept prisoner on his ships, for his own evil purposes.

She smirked at the lady. "It's more comfortable. Don't you think?" She rose her eyebrows staring at the lady's covered body. She laughed when the girl gasped, throwing the sheet off of her, to reveal her attire of breeches and a thin white shirt.

"Oh don't look so horrified. It's the least of your problems anyway"

Freya cheeks redden and she looked away from the lady. "You are right" She sighed then looked back, the lady was astonishing, she looked even more beautiful this morning than she remembered that night in the dark. Her hair was shining as she stood in front of the window, where bright light stream in the chamber, they were flowing in a wave-like manner. It made Freya frowned and subconsciously touched her own thick curly auburn hair.

"Do you need a brush?" She walked across the room where a tiny desk stood and grabbed a silver handle brush.

Freya bit her lips as she gingerly took the brush from the lady's hand. She didn't think she had the strength to comb these tangled knots. "What were you looking at outside?" She gestured towards the window.

Gabrielle smiled taking a seat next to the girl. "You do asked a lot of questions, don't you? Well if you must know, I heard a noise outside. I went to look and saw Leo chasing some geese around the cottage."

Freya laughed. "You are jesting"

"That I am." She smiled back. Leo was too pampered to do such a thing but it would be a great sight to witness. "But he is back from visiting the town." Gabrielle's forehead creased, Leo had left her the following morning after feeding the gentleman, to get more supplies. She was against it knowing fully well that she would not be seeing him for some days. Now, he was back and she would be lying if she wasn't glad to see him, alive. Lady Brymore's husband was not a man to be trifled with.

"Gabby!" His voice echoed in the entire room when he burst through the door. "I'm back!" she turned to see him, spreading his arms wide, stockings and gowns draped over his arms and shoulders. "And I came bearing gifts!"

She frowned at him.

"Don't look so grumpy I didn't brought them for you" He snickered, approaching the girl with a broad smile on his face.

She knew they weren't for her. What she wanted to know was who give him those? Did he stole them? He had promised not to visit, Lady Brymore again. After she became too clingy and he almost got caught in her bed. They weren't even supposed to be here, that night the lady was stabbed, they were just about to leave, shutting down the inn and off to another destination.

"Hello there," He cooed, his hands reached out to pat the girl's head lightly.

Great now he thought they had rescued a stray cat.

"I brought you these lovely gowns because..." He turned to glare at Gabrielle. "Some of us don't feel comfortable wearing other people's clothing"

She rolled her eyes. "Who are you to speak when those clothes practically belongs to one of your mistresses!"

"Ha! That's where you are wrong" He exclaimed. "I bought these myself!"

He threw the gowns on top of Freya and smiled. "So who wants you dead, pretty lady?"

Whispers of the Sea (The Compulsion Bride Series) Book II (Unedited)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang