Chapter Twenty Nine

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Samantha awoke to something damp dripping on her cheeks, she groan and sat upright, looking around for any source of life. No one was by her side. Where was everyone? She looked down to see her white chemise plastered to her skin, then it all came back to her, she was drowning, sinking at the bottom of the ocean. Tears burst from her eyes. Was she dead? She died all alone! She cover her face with her hands and sobbed. The Ship was not moving and the eerie quietness, cause her to stop and wiped the tears away. Something was wrong.

If she was dead. Where was her mother? She scrambled off the bed and open the cabin door, down the narrow passageway, she saw a silky red dress disappearing around the corner. "Hello?" Her feet began following the strange figure, as she walked passed each lantern they blew out, this was not aware to her until she heard a scream and attempted to return. Samantha gasped at the darkness behind her. It's like nothing was there. But her cabin! She just... She closed her eyes momentarily and swung around on her bare heels. Just as a woman figure appear in front of her, startled she began taking steps backwards.

The lady's dark eyes were, staring at her with sadness and anger. Her pale skin like milk as she worried her dark curls between her fingers. Realization suddenly hunted what's left of her mind. Samantha wasn't in heaven or dead. It was much worse than that, she was sleeping. "Hello Sam, I have missed you."

"You aren't real" She closed her eyes and repeated the words, her nails dug into the palm of her hands. When she open them the lady was still there. "Why are you doing this? I did nothing wrong!" A sob broke from her lips.

"That's right you did nothing!" Her eyes narrowed and she took a step towards her. "You let him kill me!"

Samantha sobbed and began running, she didn't know where too but she need to get away. Her feet took her to the captain's cabin, upon opening it she was greeted by darkness. "You can't run from me!" She felt the lady behind her and stilled. "But how about a little help to send you where you belong?" She chuckled nastily.

"No!" Samantha twisted her body to stare at her as her nails dug into the wooden frame of the door. "I'm sorry, I should have done something you are right...please don't send me down there!" She pleaded.

"I'm sorry too" She give her a crooked smile that meant the complete opposite and pushed her. Samantha cried out, watching as the lady disappeared from the doorway. She closed her eyes and didn't reopen them until she hit the floor minutes after. She brought her knees to her chest, hugging them dearly.

What were they doing to her? If she was indeed alive, which she knew not how? She was wise enough to know not to fall asleep. "Samantha." Her heartthrob in her chest, she lay there trembling as her once betrothed, crawled towards her. His eyes the same dark orbs as she remembered, face all hard angles almost looking like a skull. She knew what was to come and running...well, where would she go? Samantha was through with fighting.

"Larry, I--"Samantha cried out when the sharp tip of a knife bore through her flesh, the pain was so real, she felt like was about to die. She wish she was. Then another one and several more followed after that. She lay sprawl out on the ground blood pooling around her like a puddle. Her limps refuse to move as she stared up at him.

"I miss you, Samantha. When are you going to learn that we belong together? No one would ever love you more than I do! No one!" He reached for one of her foot and began dragging her through the darkness. A door appeared out of nowhere and her eyes squinted at the brightness that greeted her. She knew where he was taking her. It was always the same routine. Old habits were really hard to kill. Her foot was released on the tapestry rug and she stared at the familiar beams on the ceiling.

"It would be like old times Samantha" He crunched on his knees and drove the knife along her flimsy chemise. Free of her clothes, he place her in the large iron tub. The water immediately turned red and like the sick bastard that he was, he began splashing it in her face and wiping her with a dirty rag. The pain grew more intense as his rough hands dug away the already torn fleshes of her skin. Samantha screams filled the air around them and tears rain down on cheeks.

Trick or treat? Happy Halloween to those that do celebrate it! 🎃🎃🎃

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Whispers of the Sea (The Compulsion Bride Series) Book II (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now