Chapter Twenty Six

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Samantha lifted the bowl of dry blueberries and poured them in the boiling water at Cook's request. She thought, helping the man would take her mind off the upcoming events and worries but it didn't. Spain was only two weeks away now, as the days seems to pass quickly, almost like time had took a huge leap to the future. It startled her, she should be excited, but she was not. She fear leaving the people on this ship even Jake Clairwood. After many nights awake, she finally came to the conclusion that she had feelings for the Duke. She didn't want them but they were there. Stealing her thoughts and senses.

"The Captain would approve of the change in desserts," Fez said shaping the biscuits dough into circles. "He has a bit of a sweet tooth you know?" He watched as Samantha kept stirring the iron pot. She was eerie quiet this morning, not giving him much attention. Only nodding her head, to his questions and smiling when he made a joke, to lighten the mood. She was thinking about something or someone?

He left the biscuit dough and went to lightly tap her on the shoulder. She looked up at him, with those bright blue orbs that held so many emotions within them. "Come sit with me, tell me what's on your mind?"

Samantha sighed, following the cook to the table and occupied one of the seats, facing the man. She stared at him for a moment. Cook thought that she was not going to speak about her troubles and he attempted to rise from his seat when she halted his movements. "It's about leaving the ship and the captain"

He sat back on his seat a smile lingering on his lips. "The captain wouldn't have you remove when we are so close, Samantha please don't let--"

"No, no" She closed her eyes momentarily and exhale. "I'm scared of leaving you...the crew. I have grown accustom to their presence." Samantha knew this would happen, she always gets attach to someone, only to have them leave her too soon. Being aboard this ship have really crumble everything she had stand for, everything she had spent the past years building. To protect herself from ever getting hurt again. Whatever happened to never being able to trust men again? Her detest of them? Her will to reach Spain as quickly as possible? Everything was changing.

Cook leaned backwards in his seat, the creased at his forehead deepen. "I tried not to think about that," He sighed and suddenly leaned forward, taking her hands in his. "But you must leave Samantha, this ship is not safe for a Lady, god forbid if we are captured by pirates or a cruel captain, you would get hurt in the most gruesome way. I rather know that you are safe in Spain-- even-though I'll miss your presence."

"Your right" She smile tenderly at him then ducked her head to hide the tears. She was aware of cook raising and moving towards the pot. She didn't want to return to her old life. If one could call that a life. Living with another family, watching them so in love only made her feel uncomfortable and sad with longing.

"So, tell me about the Captain"

"What?" She swept the tears off her cheeks with the back of her hands.

Cook pivot his head, giving her a sly smile when her face grew flustered. "You hinted that he's a part of your worries."

"Oh," She stood to her feet and make her way to where cook's biscuit dough lay and started making shapes with the cutter.

Cook knew she had shut down once more, when she didn't answer, nevertheless he continued to tease her. "He's quite a handsome man"

"Hmm, I haven't noticed" She mumbled, laying the biscuits in the tray one by one before spreading another dough.

"He's also a Duke"



Whispers of the Sea (The Compulsion Bride Series) Book II (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now