Chapter Fifty Two

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Gabrielle lay awake that night, in one of the rooms at the inn, clothed and restless. Staring at her father's items floating above her head, all but the boots she still had on –For precaution. Since using Dark magic today on Veronica, she had been anticipating her father's appearance. He didn't come, and though that should make her happy; relief –It didn't –His silence at this time, send her on edge. Rain press angrily against the window panes. The hunting noise from the fire in the hearth. The slurping of liquor. Laughter and shattering of glasses and mugs on the tables just below her; she was aware of everything all at once. She searched for Alejandro, a smile on her face, when she heard his footsteps thudding up the stairs turning in for the night.

She still remembered the kiss, she bestowed upon him. He showed no recollection of it and it sadden her—even if it shouldn't. It was what she wanted after all wasn't it? With a sigh, her eyes slid close.

A light knock at the door, cause her eyes to open again.



She sat upright, all the candles in the room coming alive and the weapons fell on the foot of the bed. Perhaps he would leave. There's no indication that she's still awake.

"I know you are awake." He continued.

It was the vulnerability in his voice that got her pulling the door open. "I thought you were retiring for the night?" She deliberately avoided his handsome face, focusing on his cravat instead. With all that has been going on, Leo neither her, had got the opportunity to look for that ring.

"I couldn't." He sighed.

She attempt to lighten the mood with a chuckle. "The fearless Prince afraid of his own room?"

"Don't stay that—I am nothing but a coward." She did look at him at that moment. He unravelled his hair with his fingers. "Can I have a word?"

Striving for nonchalant, she shrug, opening the door wider. He followed her inside, closing the door behind him. "I have water and whiskey." She waved a hand towards the items on the table before the hearth.

"No, thank you. Can we sit, I have something I need to stay to you."

She looked at him shrewdly, but took a seat in the other armchair. The table would provide some distance between them.

Alejandro didn't start speaking when he took his seat. He just stare at her with an intensity that took her breath away. "I didn't came to England, to only fight a war. You are aware that one of the generals could have come instead of me." At this she nod, not knowing where this conversation was going. "I came because of a lady." Gabrielle heartbeat increased, her teeth meet each other. "She's been on my mind, ever since I met her years ago—"

"You did mention it before at the ball." She got out of her seat. He came here to talk about another woman! She turn her back to him, concealing her trembling fingers. She cross the room to the window.

"Yes. I did. But what I didn't tell you was who this lady was." He said softly.

"Why should it matter to me?" It was probably the way she phrase it or the bitterness in her voice towards a lady, she doesn't even know. Alejandro was behind her in a second, turning her around roughly.

She gaze up at him, her heart felt like it would explode at the emotion she saw in those brown eyes. She didn't know what love is, having a brute as a father but her mother had looked at her like this before she died. Gabrielle inhale a deep breath – This was no motherly love though.

"I came here for you Gabrielle," His hands brushed against her cheek.

"W-what?" She couldn't even hear her own voice over the roaring of her heart. "You don't know what you are saying." She looked away from him as a tear slid down her cheek.

"Gabrielle?" He cupped her cheeks, forcing her to look at him. "I love you... I can't get you out of my mind-- my heart."

She pushed away from him. "Are you insane! You don't even know me!"

"That's why it was so difficult for me to tell you how I feel from the start. I know this may sound sudden to you but tell me you don't feel the connection as well? Our mind maybe stuck in the notion that you have to know every detail about a person before you fall in love with them but the heart and the soul knows what's right. I came here because my heart was missing and that's you Gabrielle."

"I can't love Alejandro. Not you or anyone." She went to pour herself a glass of whiskey and drink it in one gulp. His arms snaked around her waist from behind, startled she attempt to move away but he gently moved her back to him.

"Why are you so scared of me Gabrielle? The first time we kissed, you were repulsive. But that night when I was injured and you kiss me, I know you felt something."

Gabrielle waited until her heartbeat slowed, to answer. "You weren't supposed to remember that." She turned in his arms to face him. "It never should have happened." Then said forcefully. "I need you to leave."

With a frown, Alejandro fingers tread in her dark hair, removing his arm from around her waist, he brought his hand to cradle her cheek. "I know you don't mean that—tell me you feel nothing when I do this," his lips brushed hers, tenderly. "Or this..." He kissed her cheek, moving to the slender neck. Everything was setting her body aflame, it was stronger than anything she ever felt before and no magic was involved. Her eyes faltered closed, she heard tales of love's power but never experience it--- called it nonsense, once. The only power she knew was through spells, potions and having wealth.

Alejandro kissed the corners of her eyes, missing the tears that slid from them. Love was not for Gabrielle.

"Please... just stop." She pulled away and he let her go. "I need you to leave and I mean it Alejandro. I don't want you near me anymore!" She moved towards the window once against, striving for air.

"I won't leave England without, doing everything in my power to get you to understand how I feel and for you to feel the same Gabrielle. I mean it—even if it takes forever."

She twirled around, glaring at him. "You shall wait forever indeed. Because I could never love you. You may have been able to get whatever you want all of your life but –"

"Stop!" His voice was harsh. "You think everything just fall at my feet? I had to work every day since I was born-- to gain the trust of my people, to please my father, I never got to do or go after what I wanted until now. That's why I am asking for time Gabrielle, to make you fall in love with me."

Gabrielle shook her head as her heart squeezed in her chest. "I don't need time Alejandro—what I need you to do if you claim to love me so much is go. Go back to Spain, find someone that would love you –for I will never." They held each other's gaze for long moment. She saw the hurt and devastation in his glossy eyes.

With a watery smile, he bow discreetly. "Forgive me for taking up so much of your time Gabrielle. Good night."

As the door gently click close, Gabrielle sat on the edge of the bed, sobbing. She didn't want him to leave – didn't want to not see him ever again – She felt more for him than anyone on this earth. Here was a man, that love her – a man that had been nothing but gentle towards her unlike her cruel father. What Alejandro don't understand was that if she decided to spend a life with him. Her father would kill him. They would never be able to live happily with him still alive.

Wiping her tear stained cheeks, she started to pace the room. There might be a way for her and Alejandro to be together but that would mean facing her father. She had to stop running. Stop the fear he entice within her. Stop him. She had something meaningful to fight for now, Alejandro and her happiness. It was only just her before and she was already condemned until he made her feel. The strong connection between them was both trying to bring them together and separate them. But Gabrielle -- She needed him so terribly – love him and it's time to test that power.

Over look any grammar issues 😆 this was written without reading twice.
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