Chapter Sixty Two

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The ocean was endless.

It was filled with so much promises of adventures and new discoveries, Jake has always love the sea, since he was a child, it spoke to him, lulling him to seek the impossible; to live and conquer. He was not ignorant to the fact that it held dangers; dangers that mankind could not escaped but he had never felt trapped by it before....until now.

The waters were a barrier, keeping him from reaching his goal. The anxiety of not arriving on time to save his friends or whether or not he was going to find them alive was torture.

As his gaze lingered on the gentle movement of the water that shone under the moonlight Jake tried to stilled his nerves. This wasn't the first time, the sea had left him breathless with its calmness and serenity. He had sailed many times and appreciate its beauty but this admiration was too be a distraction. Not for pleasure. Distraction from the fact that this wasn't his ship. Distraction from turning and recreating the night of finding Samantha twirling around his deck. With a sigh, he went and leaned over the railing. This was dangerous; dwelling on thoughts about Samantha, that threatened to occupied his entire memory, every smile, touch and the way being near her made him feel along with the absence of her.

An frustrated groan escaped his lips and his fingers comb through his wild hair. What was it with this particular lady that made him so verklempt? The past few years after Katherine's betrayal, he had kept ladies at a distant, had grimaced at just the thought of them.

God, he must stay far from this one, knew he shouldn't have taken her that night. London's mistress, the lady was practically skilled in the art of seducing a man. And he had fell victim to it.

But...a creased marked his forehead, that night, something didn't felt right for a lady of pleasure she sure was--


Taken out of reverie, he pivot his head, greeting Gabrielle with a smile. "Fancy seeing you here, thought the prince would have kept you for at least another night."

She rolled her eyes at his teasing and mimicking his gesture of leaning against the railing, she give him a lopsided smile. "Well, he would have if I haven't volunteer to deliver his message. Alejandro wishes to see you."

Jake knew it was to finalize their plan as too how to approach the Island. Jake had made his decision clear and would try and persuade him, once again. "Very well." They were both silent for a while. "Are you going to tell him who you are?"

She took a moment to speak. "I don't know how."

"Forgive me, but I didn't expect you of all people to be in love. You always seem reluctant and grimace of such things. Not that I am not happy for you, I truly am." He added quickly. "I rather it be him and not me." Jake chuckled nervously and turned to find Foxie glaring at him.

"Thank you for your honesty Jake but," She spun around so her back and elbows rested on the railings instead and grinned at him. "Just like I, You'll find a woman that would capture your heart in fact you probably already have."

It was Jake's turned to glare at her. "I assure you my heart is still mines and I do not wish for a wife."

Foxie stare at him with creased eyebrows, it as if she was looking into his soul and knowing who she was now Jake might just believe she was."You are troubled Clairwood and stubborn." She snickered. "I should just save the poor girl the anguish and hand you over to my father."


She laughed the wind carrying her voice. "Still scared of him aren't you?"

"How the bloody hell is that still a question? Of course I am and after seeing what you can do. Let's just say...I'm terrified."

Whispers of the Sea (The Compulsion Bride Series) Book II (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now