Part 11- Chapter Eight

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The carriage came to a halt, causing Jake's thoughts of the child walking for hours to the docks to ease. It was less than an half an hour drive; a very bumpy one, with many turns and shaking, if Ambrose wasn't with Evan at the moment, Jake would have thought the young man was trying to kill them. His lips curved into a wonderous smile when the child's mouth open into a yarn for the third time, her small frame took up most of the seat as she laid staring at him, afraid to close her eyes on this stranger who promise her, her heart's desire.

"Monsieur, I'm I home?" Her voice was that of a whisper informing him of how tired she was; One will be, of such a tender age and escaping one's home without even a thought of necessities to keep safe and secure. Adelynn's lack of clothing for the weather and provision for food, made him reflect on what might have transpired had he not stumbled upon her at the docks. Would she had stayed there all night in the cold? Perhaps made it on one of the ships? Surely someone would have found her before the worst had happened.

"Yes." Jake intake a deep breath, it was time to leave the child and return to his main purpose on this island, not waiting for anyone to open to the door, Jake stepped down out of the carriage and briefly took a glimpse of the small house, few lights illuminate the inside and the trees that stood at each side, groaned and whispered in the quietness.

He turned back to the carriage, lifting the child, he placed her on the ground and she looked up at him with a smile. "Thank you Monsieur. You'll speak to my mama about my papa, won't you?" She was reminding him not to forget their deal; she returned home and he'll promise to find her papa. Or at least try. Jake thought skeptically, a hint of guilt crept upon him as he took note of the overpowering eagerness in her voice and pleading in her eyes. What if he failed her? He couldn't prolong his journey to England, any further, he already made a promise to Tierna and himself. If he went on another search like a goddam bounty hunter, he'll never make it to England and his bridal search for the season would seize to exist. Why is it that he always find himself in these situations? Making promises seems to come naturally to him. A blessing or a curse? A curse for him a blessing to others, he thought.

"Please Monsieur." She murmured.

His lips curved into a wry smile and his response, didn't get the opportunity to be projected into audible words when a woman's voice echoed throughout the night.


"Mama!" The child took off running towards the house where a figure of a woman scurried from the doorway. She had the same color hair as her daughter, that reassembles gold and sparkled under the moonlight, they tumbled down her back in waves of curls. Jake took a steady breath, only one person he remember to have such a hair color, a uniqueness he had only saw on one other person and that was Adeylnn. Didn't Evan said that an old lady resigns in this house? The lady that just dropped to her knees, to held her daughter didn't look like an old lady in fact she looked very familiar. Jake's eyes narrowed, his heart started to put in extra work as it pumped uncontrollable in his chest and his feet took a step forward.

This wasn't possible.

"W-why, do you want to leave me?" The woman sobbed. "Please, don't leave me, Adelynn. I cannot bare it!"

That voice.... it couldn't be!

Jake would recognized her voice anywhere, had thought of nothing else for the past years but her, if only to not forget what little memories they shared together; her voice, her smile and her beautiful face. A chill like no other, spread across the surface of his skin and he felt like he had been left in a cold tub of water for days. But how can she be alive?

"I'm sorry, mama!" Adelynn's cries were suddenly distance to him as he kept on starting at the lady whose face was buried in her daughter's hair. "I won't do it again."

Whispers of the Sea (The Compulsion Bride Series) Book II (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now