Chapter Four

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The following morning Jake was awakened by the piercing screams of a lady. His mind twirled, with a headache that lingered from last night. What the devil, was that? He blinked for a moment, trying to make sense of where he was. Beneath him was not moving, neither was he welcomed by the alluring scent of the fresh sea breeze. He was not on his ship, rubbing his eyes, a slight groan escaped his lips when it struck him. He was back in England in Joshua's home. Jake sat upright and blinked his eyes opened, adjusting it to the vibrant light that filled his bedchamber.

A giggle caught his attention and it was then he notice a little blond hair girl sitting on the chair beside him with a doll lying in her lap.

His eyebrows wrinkled. "What are you doing in here?"

"Good morning, Uncle Pirate" She answered. Her lose curls bouncing back and forth as she shook her head at him. Making Jake feel a bit guilty for not greeting her appropriately.

Uncle? Pirate?

Jake rubbed his hands over his face and peeked through his fingers, the child was still there. Not a nightmare. "My mama's having our baby" She leaped off the chair and began twirling around the room. Her yellow gown, dancing along with her. "I am going to be a big sister!" A high-pitch giggled escaped her mouth followed by squeals of joy.

"I do hope it is a boy" Jake head twirled around the bedchamber as another voice sounded in the room. Where did that voice come from?

"Girls are nothing but trouble," Another voice said, both thick with accents.

He crawled off the bed, grateful that he decided to sleep in his breeches. He usually slept naked as a babe but being a guest at someone else home, had caused him to behave ...decent, at least tried and with that stunt Halley pulled last night, trying to get him compromised, caution had never left his memory.

Jake eyes widen at the two boys, who was scraping with the knives they found in his boots, on the thick woolen rug. "This one is a bit dull" He heard one mumbled, staring at the knife with creased forehead. His tiny fingers drop the knife in disgust as he reached for another.

His knives were not dull!

"Aiden look, he really is a pirate!"

Jake eyes widen. Christ, there were two more Joshua! His fingers combed through his hair messy blond hair and he closed his eyes for a moment. Joshua had failed to mention how similar the boys resembled him. They brought back memories of his childhood together with their father. Their blue eyes were staring at his bare chest where bullet marks and knives scars lingered. "That one looks recent!" One of them pointed at his shoulder where the arrow mark rested. It was indeed recent and Jake tried not to dwell on the pain he had felt extracting it.

"Boys give me the knives" He took a step forward then paused. "...drop the knives and go stand over there" he pointed towards where Anna stood, hugging her doll. They should know better not to search his things. It was a miracle that they hadn't found his pistol that lay under his pillow. Was it still there?

Jake's eyes were so focused on the white covered pillow, that he missed Aiden's gaze drifting to the exact spot. "We were taught not to play with pistols. It's still there"

Jake glared at the boy. "Those knives are just as dangerous. Now go stand next to the girl!"

"I'll go get their papa if they don't move." Anna said.

The knives slipped from their fingers, echoing a sharp noise in the bedchamber when they collided with the others. The boys sprung to their feet and made their way towards Anna. Jake turned to face the three of them. He knew the two belonged to Joshua but the girl not even close. "Names?" He started to pace in front of the children, with his hands behind his back.

Whispers of the Sea (The Compulsion Bride Series) Book II (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now