Part 11 ~ Chapter ~ Twenty Eight

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Samantha awoke to the feeling of featherlike kisses on her face. They were soft and persistent, desperately trying to stir her awake, her body was still in a drugged state as if someone had given her laudanum. "I know you are awake." Jake whispered, in her ear.

She sighed, finally open her eyes to greet his smiling blue eyes, his hair a tangle mess of curls, some falling over his forehead and she remembered how she had sunk her fingers into them, Samantha didn't know she was smiling until her mouth relaxed into a curious pout, at what her husband just said.

"Morning?" She frowned, surging upright, and finally grasping the reality of it all, as she greeted the bright sunlight making its way through the drapes. "I was sleeping!" She turned to him, eyes widening.

"Yes," Jake sat upright also with creased forehead. "What's wrong?" he reached out, tucking her hair around her ears.

"I-I haven't slept in a very long time, because of the nightmares." She answered.

"Well, you did, and I enjoyed watching you sleep." His knuckles brushed against her cheek. "Do you know you smile in your sleep?"

Her lips curved into a smiled and she fling her arms around him, her lips claiming his like a plant that had been deprived of water for days, with his arms holding her tightly around the waist, they fell back on the soft mattress, and she lifted her head, laughter bubbling from her lips. "Oh Jake, it's all because of you." She pressed her forehead to his. "You chase my nightmares away—I love you so much."

Jake twisted them around, so that she was now beneath him. "Say it again?" When she repeated the words, he kissed her again, it was slow and sensual, she whimpered at the loss, when he pulled away, to press those soft lips to her neck, Marveling at how her body was so depended on him; It was no longer hers when they were together. Her legs stretch wider to accommodate him and as he made love to her that morning, he kept telling her how much he loves her until the words where to difficult to speak as their body shuddered with pleasure, Speaking in more ways than one.

"I'm guessing you won't be joining the abbey." He had said after and Samantha's laughter had filled the bedchamber.


Samantha didn't remember ever spending this much time abed, even when she was sick and had given birth to Adelynn. She needed to do something constructive; to go outdoors, she hadn't seen the gardens in days. Her husband was impossible, they had made love to many times to count when the sun was up and during the nights. She had never wanted to sleep so desperately in her life. They did make it to the dining room, one night; Even throughout dinner, they couldn't contain themselves, she had insisted that they sat on opposite side of the table, it was a mistake for she had missed him instantly even with the short distance between them. Jake had cursed softly, discarded his fork on the plate and came towards her, her heart had hammered in her chest, by the look in his eyes, she couldn't possibly look anywhere else for they captivate her, mirroring her own desires. She was vaguely away of the servants that silently disappeared, for she was already slowly standing when Jake scooped her up in his arms, crushing his lips to hers. He was strong, as he took her against the wall, not bothering with the removal of clothes, he moved eagerly between her, Samantha had held on to him, fingers digging in his shoulders.

He had apologized after, asking if he had hurt her and Samantha had shaken her head, afraid to tell him that she enjoy it tremendously.

She sighed her eyes lazily futtering closed; it was dark, and she had already spent a couple of hours abed in deep thoughts without being able to sleep. "Jake?"

His response was a soft hum and his arms tightening around her waist, drawing her closer to him. "Would you think I'm a harlot if I confessed that I liked what happened in the dining room?" She had been thinking about this since he introduced her to unthinkable, wicked things in the marital bed. Was she transforming into one of them?

Whispers of the Sea (The Compulsion Bride Series) Book II (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now