Part 11 ~ Chapter Thirty ~ Two

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It was dawn, by the time Samantha woke to the noises of horses, neighing and the harsh slapping of rain against the ground. Her eyes fluttered slowly, moving the sprinkles of water that welcome her. She swallowed, her mouth was parched, and she send her tongue out, capturing some moisture, her head was pounding, and her body felt like it was stuck to the ground, she could not move. To even tremble in such a wintry weather, was hindered. She inhaled a deep breathe, and exhale slowly, trying to concentrate, the last thing she remembered was a candle, a window, closing and......Phillipe! Impossible! He was on the island; how did he find her? She groaned, ignoring the rattling of her heart, her eyes closing as the sharp pain returned to her head. What did he give her? She rolled on her back, at a snail's pace, blinking away the excess water, she noticed the stone ceiling, filled with moss and bats!

"Phillipe!" She crocked, pivoting her head, to get a better look at the small cave. "Phillipe!"

She was alone.

Samantha felt the tears slipping down her cheeks and tried her best to sit upright. Finally, after many struggles, her attempts were successful. Haft of the cave was starting to fill with water, that the strong brutal wind, blew. Anger, surge through her veins when she looked at her feet and found each chained.

"I thought you would never wake."

She turned glaring as Phillipe, entered the cave, drenched, his damped hair, stuck to his skull, the tip of his beak like nose, dripping with water like a waterfall. "Release me this instant! I don't know your intentions but if you have any sense left, you'll let me return to my husband."

Phillipe was upon her within a second, his fingers digging into her skull, as he grabbed a fist full of her hair. "Don't you dare mention him! Or called him your husband! I'm the one that should have been your husband! Do you understand! I have been patient with you, I waited only to find out you got married within days and left!" He screamed over the roaring of thunder; Samantha gaze didn't flatter. He released her and snickered humorously. "You think, you'll get rid of me so easily."

Standing, he started to chuckle, nastily. "Now I have you all to myself." The smile, faded from his face, and the way his eyes were gazing at her, made her felt naked. She was still in her nightgown and brought her arms up to hug at her chest.

"You are making an enormous mistake; my husband will come for me."

He sighed, shrugging out of the cloak. "Of course, he'll look but he'll never find you. I'm sorry I didn't know it would rain this morning or would have leave already."

"Leave? To where?" She asked.

He turned and gave her a sly smile. "It's a surprise. A lot warmer than in this cave." He grimaced. She watched him disappeared further in the darkness of the cave and emerge with a large duvet. "Here." He threw it over her shoulders and too cold to protest, she accepted it.

"You must be hungry."

"I'm not." She replied curtly.

"Thirsty?" He grinned and she glared at him.

"Don't be stubborn about it." He grabbed a flask from the horses' pouch and threw it at her feet. "It's in your reach, for when ever you need it."

Samantha stare at the flask, then looked up at Phillipe, who had taken a seat on a rock. "Your grandmother would be very displeased with what you are doing."

He frowned.

"It doesn't have to be this way, release me and I'll pretend that this never happened as a favor to your grandmother, who was so dare to me. My word is as good as a saint."

Whispers of the Sea (The Compulsion Bride Series) Book II (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now