Part 11 ~Chapter Twenty

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"I would surely miss Aushbory cottage," Samantha groaned, sitting back in the soft cushion padded carriage.

Jake took the last of the rice cake, that Adelynn held up to his mouth and chew it quickly. "We'll return once, we are settled at the Clairwood Estate and England knows of our nuptials besides I believe you'll adore living in Nottingham just as much."

Ambrose had arrived, only three days after, Alma had learned of her secret. Now they were on their way to Nottingham, after learning that Jake's cousin had years ago moved out of the duke's estate to his very own in Gouldbury. The journey from Aushbory cottage to the docks had been faster than when they were going and from the docks to Nottingham a couple more hours and the slow pace of the carriages were prolonging the anticipation of finally laying her eyes her permanent home. She had heard rumors of its grand exterior and lavishing interior with designs set as far back as the fifteen hundred, it was also said to have many gardens, forests that's said to be enchanted where fairies had once called their homes. Samantha frowned, now she was getting ahead of herself.

"We are almost there." Jake murmured; she couldn't help, noticing his forlorn expression as if returning to his home brought him great sadness. She knew of his parents dying when he was an incredibly young age and, there were lots of gossips that they still roam the estate awaiting his arrival and it was the reason, he had never stayed home. Samantha had never paid much attention to it, just like the Duke, they were nonexistence to her; always some distance dream she could never reach. Now, she couldn't wake up from this one; for it was her reality.

"Tell me about your parents."

His eyebrows lifted, exhaling softly, he looked away from her and didn't speak for a moment. "What do you wish to know?"

"Everything." She whispered, staring intensely at him. "It's only fair that I finally know something about my husband's family rather than the spreading rumors."

"You mean my hunted estate and my fear of it?" He slightly smirked.

"Oh, so you have heard of it." She drawled.

"They were right." He give her a small smile that didn't quite reached his eyes. "I was scared, scared of the hunting memories that lingered there, sometimes I wish I couldn't remember my past, the day they died, the times before that. But it was all that I think of, to a point where I ran, I made the sea my world. Where I can create whatever memories, I want and adventures. I didn't want to be a Duke, or rather I wanted to be free. I thought I was free." He swallowed and held Adelynn more tightly in his arms, the child's eyes were slowly fluttering, promising of sleep. "My mother was the kindest person I know, and a lot of persons stand witness to that, she was a bit feisty, and I recall my father once told me, not to get on her bad side." He sighed. "My father on the other hand, was more carefree, bold and braggart nevertheless, they loved each other."

"They died the same day, before that I had lost my grandfather and one by one what's left of my family had all leave. Now, I have a family of my own and I'll do everything to protect them."

Samantha's heart ache for him, how broken he must have been those past years, chasing new memories to erase the old. Losing everyone he had ever loved. Samantha felt his pain, she never knew her father and her mother, what memories she had of her, was not enough. It would never be enough. "I never knew my father, sometimes I wish I d--"

"I'm glad you didn't meet that monster!" He roared, the noise cause Adelynn to jolt from her sleep.

And Samantha with her mouth agape still held his gaze.

"How did—Do you know who my father was?" Her heart leapt in her chest at the prospect. She had always wanted to know the man who sire her and if they had any similarities? Or any living relatives? Just like her father, her mother never mentioned any of Samantha's grandparents and the secrecy she now realized had left a void in her and to think she almost did that to Adelynn, by denying her, her father.

Whispers of the Sea (The Compulsion Bride Series) Book II (Unedited)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن