Chapter Twenty Five

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"You liar!" Smity ducked as a silver breakfast plate was thrown at him. "Why did you imply that Lord Clairwood detest women!"

His shock expression suddenly turned into a smug one. "I thought it would have been an easier explanation as to why he hates you so much." He shrugged his shoulders.

"That doesn't give you the right to spread false rumours!" Samantha sighed and sat on the edge of her bed, she crossed her arms and look at him. Angry that she had listen to him in the first place. And those gowns she had been wearing to provoke Lord Clairwood! No wonder he thought her a harlot! "I can't believe you did that to me!"

A slight smirked appeared on his lips. "Did something happened between you and the Captain?"

"Don't be ridiculous!" Samantha felt heat rushed to her cheeks, quickly she stood to her feet and started fluffing her pillows. "Nothing good would come of it" It's what she had been telling herself throughout the night while she had tried her best to forget what happened in his cabin. Whatever feelings she had for the Duke was abominable. He was the same man that wanted to feed her to the sharks! It's best to keep concentrating on reaching Spain and escaping the waters that made her eerie. "I didn't came aboard to warm anyone's bed. I shouldn't even be here" She tossed the pillow on the bed in a disgruntle manner, then stare at him once more.

Smity looked at her doubt mingling on his face. "But you are Samantha and I promised you a tour before your departure which happens to be at this moment" He smiled as her eyes widen in disbelief.


He nodded.

"Oh!" she clapped her hands together with glee. "Let's not delay any longer!" She rushed to the door, then turned on her heels abruptly. "This doesn't mean I have forgiven you as yet for what you have done."

Smity give her a dull look. "Consider this as a peace offering?"

"I'll think about it" She paused for a moment. "I must say it's rather weird that you think I would have needed comfort from the Duke's detest of me when I don't really care what he thinks" with that said, she walked out of her cabin.

Smity shook his head and close her cabin door behind them. He decided to skip the Galley, water reserves and Hold as she was already familiarize with those. They passed the steps that lead to the top deck and she heard noises coming from the crew. "The Captain's above" Was Smity's only answer when he turned and caught her gaze. She was about to inquire more when he continue speaking "This door leads to the crew's quarters" As he said the words, he opened the wooden door and climb down the ladder.

Samantha was right behind him, her eyebrows rose when she saw the tiny beds and chairs, pinned to the floor. A pillow and white sheet, lay on the mattress, all tidy and clean. Smity told her that the men had been disciplined by the captain to keep clean as possible. To reduce, diseases and infections. She let her hands pressed on one of the mattress as she follow him to the small door at the side. Good heavens! The bed was softer than hers! She clenched her teeth and entered the tiny room with only one small bed inside and a moveable stool. "This used to be Mr. Daviston's room" He sighed as he explained. "He came aboard many years ago to spend his last days on a ship. He was a true gem to us. Died before we set sail to London" He turned to her then. "He would have approve of your stay aboard"

Samantha smile sadly at him. "I would have loved to meet him."

"Come," His voice sounded more cheerfully now like a child about to show her his favourite toys. He surged past her and walked to the other end of the crew's quarters. "This is where the magic lays" He pulled on the square door on the ground, with a gleam in his eyes.

Whispers of the Sea (The Compulsion Bride Series) Book II (Unedited)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora