Chapter Twenty

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Gabrielle smirked, watching as Leo tapped a gentleman on his shoulder and pointed to his wife, informing the startled man that she was searching for him. Leo had truly lived up to his word of swatting away gentlemen, who was starting to pester Gabrielle. He had been more excited than the ladies and George who had discover that she was to attend the a gown. The scream that had escaped his lungs, followed by the sobbing on her shoulders, mumbling that he never thought he would live to see this day made Gabrielle grimace. Even at the thought now, she found herself wrinkling her nose. "Now, now Gabrielle, I demand monetary value for my services tonight"

Gabrielle wrinkled her brows, as Leo glance at her. "I don't understand the reason for your nagging over my presence. You should be enjoying the Ball"

He snorted. "And leave you standing here, practically mired with the pillar, like a wallflower? Besides this gives me purpose, I never liked these stiff socials, anyway"

"I'm hardly a wallflower for all the attention I have been receiving and this spot gives me an admirable view of the ballroom and...the guards." Tapping her white hand fan against her palm, she glance at the two guards that stood at the entrance leading to the stairs. Guards were placed at each direction of entrance and exit, just as George had described, each of them glancing around the ballroom apprehensively. Gabrielle massage her bottom lip between her teeth. She needed a diversion.

"Leonard!" Lady Candace brought both wanderers to stare at her. "The King would be down shortly!" She gripped his arm lightly and turned grinning at Gabrielle. "If you are lucky Gabrielle, he might choose you to have the first dance!"

Gabrielle hope not. It was bad enough she was contemplating stealing from the man. Dancing with him, would only made her feel guilty. She never gets acquainted with her victims. "He is quite handsome and very charming. I met him once when I was ten, I'm sure he would remember when he sees me!"

Gabrielle wanted to disagree with her, a man like the king had met a vast number of individuals, remembering them all would seem impossible but Lady Candace was difficult to ignore.

"His Majesty King Darton of England and Crown Prince Lucian!" The ballroom came to a halt and everyone eyes were focus at the top of the spiral staircase. Gabrielle watched, experiencing her first Royal Ball and lingering presence of the infamous King Darton. Unconsciously, her eyes widen. The King walked down the stairs with an air of authority and power, he was gorgeously fashion in golden satin breeches and beige waistcoat. His cravat was white and fall under his neck in wave-like patterns. His white-gloved hands travelled up to his wrist and disappeared under each sleeves. On his dark hair was a golden crown adore with all the gemstones only one of his power could find. Leo had to pinch her on the arm, to get her attention.

"Staring like that would only draw attention to one's self" He whispered in her ears. "Get behind me if you don't want to lock arms with the King."

"You are such an overprotective brother Leonard" Candace drawled, laughter glimmering in her eyes as Gabrielle obediently obliged. For good measure she pressed her back towards Leo's and stare at the blank wall, her fingers playing with the edge of the closed fan. She was embarrassed that she was caught, gawping at the King. Foxie, the thief, killer and tough as nails warrior. Warrior... Her eyebrows frowned, Leo had once called her by that name, although she didn't hate it. She didn't like it either. It was a controversy battle she rather not thought about at the moment. She held her breath when the King swept passed them, his presence filled the atmosphere.

"Your Majesty-" Candace began advancing towards the King, who didn't even blinked her way before she was yanked back at Leo's side. Looks like she wasn't the only one he was overprotective of tonight.

Whispers of the Sea (The Compulsion Bride Series) Book II (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now