Part 11 ~ Chapter Seventeen

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Samantha slowly moved closer to the railing of the ship, she was transfixed and not entirely convince that whoever they were, were friends. They had thought the British were their friends as well and looked how that had turned out. As Jake and Ambrose kept busy around the ship to welcome their guest, her arms tighten around Adelynn, who was getting too heavy for her hips, but she dared not let her daughter out of her arms. She detested ships, not only because of her fear of water but the fact that there was no possible way of escaping. If it were dirt that had surrounded them, she wouldn't be standing here waiting. Intaking a deep breath, she made the decision to trust Jake once again, if only for today.

The ship was nearer, and the rosewood exterior seem to brighten, it slowly turned to its side, revealing a very strange lady with gray waves of curls, standing on the ships railing, her hands planted firmly on her hips, eyebrows that complimented her hair wrinkled as she glared at Jake. Samantha's curiosity peaked, she had never seen a lady with such reckless bravery before and clearly not with such hair color. The ship finally came to a halt and even the slightest jerk didn't unsettle the woman. With a startled look Samantha turned to her husband, noticing the lack of concern regarding the lady's dangers, as he began sliding the plank towards the ship.

"Grayson Jake Clairwood! You owe me an explanation!" The mysterious lady scolded.

Jake expression turned to one of bewilderment. "Auryn, a pleasure to see you again and I'm afraid I don't know what you're talking about ."

"I'm talking about your wedding; I was not invited! You promised!"

"Stop being so dramatic Auryn, and let's greet our friends." The dark hair man that spoke, reached out and grabbed the plank, setting it firmly on his ship. Samantha's eyes widen at the handsome yet, equally strange man, slowly she placed Adelynn on the deck floor and held her hand, the man jumped on the plank and walked with an air of confidence, his hands folded behind his back and his eyes lingered on each occupant with a hint of murmur, clearly finding something amusing. The arrow tip object dangling from his earlobes, sparkled under the sun's gaze, it looked sharpened that if touched it would pierce one's skin.

"I hate broken promises." The lady mumbled and Samantha turned towards the ship just as the strange man embrace her husband, to see the white hair lady walking casually on the railing towards the plank.

"Oh, my, this clearly is your precious maiden," She pivot her head at the man's exclamation. His violet eyes smiled at her. Grasping her hand, he planted a featherlight kiss on it. His hands were warm and, on each finger below the knuckles, were tiny symbols, symbols Samantha didn't recognize, except one that matched the object hanging from his ear loops. "It's a pleasure to meet you Lady Clairwood, I'm Callum, a friend of your husband and this must be Adelynn." He said, his voice smooth and alluring and that glorious smile, he besotted upon Adelynn, left Samantha even more speechless. "Beauty seems to be steady in the family I see," suddenly he paused and looked at her quite suspiciously, it made her extremely uncomfortable. "You have gorgeous eyes," Her palm started to feel warm in his grasped and it seems to travel throughout her body, Samantha wanted to pull her hand back but deemed it inappropriate, she looked at her husband for help, but he was embracing the gray hair lady. "and your hair, I am sure you have heard it many times before, but they are the most beautiful aureate color I have ever see."

"I- Thank you. It's the first someone had ever used that word to describe it." Samantha didn't know what else to say, it was indeed frustrated that the first thing persons usually seems to notice about her was her hair color but at least this time, it was her eyes. When she was little a man in the brothel had tried to cut a piece off, mistaking it in his drunken state for gold. "It's-I need my hand back." She chuckled, trying to lighten the situation. Samantha tugged gently at her hand, but he seems to tighten on it even more.

Whispers of the Sea (The Compulsion Bride Series) Book II (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now