Part 11 ~ Chapter Thirteen

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Samantha did not recognize the person standing in the mirror or know how long she had stood looking at her reflection. She was flabbergasted. Nervous, excited, and angry; well mostly anger coarse through her veins but she couldn't deny how beautiful she looked on her wedding day. It was one task she had took special care of perfecting. She also wanted a church wedding as opposed to a wedding aboard a ship, perhaps it had something to do with the sinful place she grew up in, it was her way of redeeming herself a new begining in her life; a joyous occasion, she sighed wistfully. Jake had left early in the morning to speak to the vicar about the change of venue and prepare himself for this glorious day. She grimaced, glorious for who? Samantha felt like crying, her entire life was changing today; she was about to marry a man, who doesn't love her. Of course, she should not be too harsh on herself for praying for such sentiments, lots of persons marry for other reasons; wealth, security, to please families. And there was her, what was she marrying for again? Because she couldn't escape last night. Samantha couldn't help the laughter that suddenly left her lips, it slowly turned into a soft sob.

"I do hope those are tears of joy." Brigitte, who was dressed in a lovely lavender gown and dark hair in an elegant, diamond adorned chiffon, entered the bedchamber. "Oh, you are stunning!" She suddenly gasped, one hand laid flat on her chest. "Lord Clairwood's very fortunate."

"And I am unfortunate," Samantha turned, wiping the tears from her cheeks. "but if I am to start a miserable life as his wife, I might as well look exceptional." with a forced smile on her lips she turned back to the mirror, admiring the white bell-shaped gown, there was a thin white fabric over the skirts filled with golden embroidered roses. The square neckline placed her bosom on display that was pushed to great highs by the corset she wore underneath, her gloved hands trace the outline, it's been a while since she exposed herself like this, everyone thought her coy or being modest for wearing long sleeves, dress shirt which covered up to her neck under her woolen gowns and bodice, but it was to hide the secret she wished to carry to her grave, those that knew, won't speak of it or was already dead. Brigitte, ever so thoughtful had brought her a gown this morning after being informed by Jake's first mate of the nuptial and at the back, she had applied a white piece of silk to the gown that was the perfect height for covering her scars. Some of the fabric came over her shoulders and ended just above her arms.

Brigitte sighed with frustration as she came to stood behind her. "It would only be miserable if you keep thinking like that, I know Lord Clairwood might have hurt you terribly in the past but he's a goodman and you should be at least pleased that it's not Philippe!" Brigitte chuckled, foundling with the pins in Samantha's hair. "If it's him you were too wed today, I would have join you with shedding a few tears." Brigitte draped the long curl over her shoulder. The large spiral curl ended at her waist and Samantha reached out to touch it. She was indeed grateful that it wasn't Phillipe, just the thought of him stirred her blood and she shook any thought of him from her head.

"I don't wish to think of that vile man on my wedding day." She grimaced.

"Then stop your whining because If anyone to be miserable it should be me, I am the one that's losing a dear friend today while you will be gaining a family."

Samantha turned, facing her friend. "You are right. I should not sulk." She took Brigitte hands with a smile. "And I will miss you dearly, I do promise to write you letters."

"And I shall you." Brigitte give her hands an affectionate squeeze and step away. "Come, your carriage has arrived, and Adelynn had grown impatient and started throwing rose petals on the floor."

That made Samantha grinned as she followed Brigitte down the stairs. True, to her word, they found Adelynn siting on the settee, blowing petals on the floor. Adelynn smiled at Samantha and rushed into her arms, showering her mother with compliments as Samantha walked to the carriage.

Whispers of the Sea (The Compulsion Bride Series) Book II (Unedited)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα