Chapter Eleven

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Samantha spend the rest of the morning in her cabin, pacing up and down. The brute had the audacity to lock her inside! She now remembered how he had smiled at her last night and the reason behind such a sarcastic expression. How dare him! She had the urged to bang on the door until it annoyed the entire ship and they came to her aid but she hesitated. Retaliating like that would only prove that the brute had managed to once again get under her skin. That, would not be the correct way to get back at the Duke.It would only made him satisfactory. Fighting fire with fire was not the approachable way to deal with this man.

After an hour or more, there was a slight knocked on the door.

Smity entered the cabin, with another crew member, struggling with the tub of water, his eyes were so focus on the lady who reclined composed watching them on the bed that he stumbled, spilling some of the water on the floor. The Captain had told him to lock the lady in her room. He didn't want to risk the chance of stumbling upon her in the passageways. Smity could not understand why his captain hate women so passionately. He had a feeling that it had something to do with this past lover of his, that betrayed him but there was not much he knew about that. Only that he was about to marry the lady.

"Oh, my bath has arrived. "She said coolly. "I was wondering if you two gentlemen had forgotten."

The rule was four days in the week, fresh water was to be delivered to the lady's cabin. He rose his eyebrows at her, they were always early and on time. And the lady seems too calm, after being locked in since this morning. He was expecting a fight, few curse words and her abruptly rushing off to spat at the captain. Instead, he received none of that. Strange?

Samantha rose to her feet, with her head held high she walked towards the men and dipped her hand in water. "It's very cold" She mumbled, retreating her hand. "Would you please, fetch me a pot of warm water?"

Smity watched as Lanko, the scrawny man eyes drifted from the lady's bosom to her face. "I-umm" The man was actually stuttering. Smity rolled his eyes then glare at the lady. "I'll go get the water" Not even waiting for his approval the man bolted out the door like the devil himself was chasing him.

"What the hell do you think you are doing?" He folded his arms.

Samantha turned to the handsome first mate. "What?" She asked innocently.

Smity chuckled then walked away before turning back to face her. Her expression passive. "I know what you are doing, trying to seduce the crew to annoy the captain. Very clever."

She snorted. "I don't know what you are talking about, sir" Samantha busied herself with smoothing her skirt, to hide the blush on her cheeks. "I was told to stay away from the crew."

"Precisely my point, Miss Wavery. Disobeying the captain's orders would only make him angry and you enjoy making him angry don't you?" He smirked.

Samantha struggled her shoulder. "It only seems fair since he wants to make my stay on his ship uncomfortable and I do not yield to vile men" She squared her shoulder and stroll to sit on the edge of the bed, kicking off one boot then the other.

If anything she was the one that was making the captain uncomfortable, there was something odd about the Captain's behavior since the lady stepped on this ship. He was angrier than usual. True he disliked ladies but he never allowed one to affect him so much. She was difficult for him to ignore. Who could blame him, he thought looking at the blond beauty. Definitely his type. Perhaps he could use this to his advantage.

"Would you be inclined to allow me to give you a tour one day?" His question caused her mouth to slightly open.

"A tour? Of the ship?" Her eyebrows rose, then she scowled at him. "Why would you want to do that? Don't you hate me-"

Whispers of the Sea (The Compulsion Bride Series) Book II (Unedited)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu