Part 11 ~Chapter Twenty ~Four

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"We'll be going riding today, the weather is perfect."

Samantha who was scattering her scrambled eggs around the plate, looked up at her husband with a start. She had avoided making contact since this morning, the incident last night had shaken her entire soul and she didn't know how to face him. What he did was wicked, scandalous; something she didn't know was possible and heavens helped her, she wanted more. Alma had come early in the morning and while brushing her hair, had notice the product of what transpired last night, thank God she was innocent as a baby from the cradle and she had thought it was a rash at first then remembered the bugs outside and thought it was an inset bite. If only she knew. Fortunately, the gown she had chosen to wear started at her neck and Jake doesn't seem to remember anything. Or if he did, she was pleased, he hid all knowledge of it for she'll never recover the embarrassment. "Finally! Snow has been getting restless."

"Papa, can I come?" Adelynn asked, from beside her father, she forced a huge chunk of cheese in her mouth as she did.

"Adelynn take small bites; I don't want you choking." Jake warned.

Adelynn shook her head. "No papa, I won't choke, because I might die and never get to see you or mama again and Alma, Charlotte, Marty-"

"Ok, Ok, I think we got the idea." Jake smiled. "And not today Adelynn, you'll stay here with Alma and learn your words."

"Papa, please say yes." She started to plead with a pout.

Samantha knew that look on her husband's face, it was the same expression he had given her last night when she had insisted, they continue dancing. "Adelynn, your pony won't be able to keep up with the horses and today's an adult day for riding. You and Alma will have fun with words." Samantha interposed.

Alma had been acting much like a governess of late, teaching Adelynn English words that proven to be difficult for her to pronounce, Adelynn usually switch to French when she forgets and that wasn't acceptable. She needs to learn English, now England would be her permanent home.

"When is her governess arriving?" Jake asked, eating the last of his loins, after he took a napkin and wiped his lips. Samantha followed every moment remembering how those lips felt on her body and she slightly shuddered. "Samantha? Is something wrong?"

Her cheeks redden when she noticed he had caught her staring. "You-You have something." She made a gesture with her hand, first hovering over her chin, then lowering to her chest. She didn't know what she was doing and retorted to keeping her nervous fingers in the lap.

And Jake wasn't the only one who was confused. "Where?" Jake touched his chin with a frowned. "Here?"

"Yes, there!" She exclaimed. "Oh well, it's gone now, you knocked it away with your fingers." She took a sip of her water and looked away.

She heard him sighed, softly. "Samantha, I asked when Adelynn's governess would be arriving?"

"She's coming from Scotland and should be here next week."

"Why couldn't you get one from England?" His eyebrows rose.

Because everyone here, practically knows her and she didn't want them in her home, with her daughter. "Marty and I selected her out of a list of four, she met all the criteria; The others didn't." She shrugged, nonchalantly, reaching for a scone from the basket.

He nodded and truth to his word, Samantha found herself riding along side him, an hour later. They travelled through the fields, hills, and a few gardens. Everything was beautiful and Jake didn't spare the opportunity to inform her that all this was hers as well. They slowed to a trot as they entered the forest, tall trees with mosses growing on them greeted them, high above birds chirped, a strange noise caught her attention, and she brought the horse to a stop. "What was that?"

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