Chapter Forty Eight

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Two nights later, the group of four found themselves at the Wauxhall Theatre, mere in the crowd, they sat two rows back from the stage, looking like desperate supporters of the Comedic performers, it was not the sort of place Jake or his companions were accustomed to. They purposefully avoided their boxes as to not draw attention to themselves. Everyone was focus on the stage in the dark theatre, laughing and shouting lines to the performers--- Clearly, they had come here many times before.

Jake scratched nervously at his beard, Foxie had told him that it made him look striking and different from his sketches. What she said did little to convince him, he still looks over his shoulders and avoids lingering gazes. "Where is she, Sebastian?" Jake whispered, his broad shoulders stuck between the two princes, although one of them was an imposter, it was only wise to play along with his performance.

He was suddenly shushed by Sebastian who he noticed was growing irritated, or was it from the discomfort of the theatre? "I'll inform you when or if she make an appearance--The night is still young."

"Make it older because this is the stupidest playwriting I have even seen in my whole existence!" Alejandro exclaimed.

Jake knew this was true, the acting was just as bad, although the crowd seem to avoid the insults and social moral of this play as they laugh and sing along to song lyrics when arise. Jake's only admiration was the costumes and stage decorations of what looks like a ranch with few live animals. The crowd suddenly erupted with cheeriness and whistles as a lady dressed in white stocking, a very short gown that looks more for a child of ten, with red ribbons in her hair and a basket of live eggs in hand, skipped on the stage. The lady was indeed breath-taking with her long dark curls and brown eyes that shimmer off the stage lights.

Beside him, Sebastian inhales a deep breath. "By Jove, It's her!" His loud shouting echoed in the theatre, catching the entire crowd off guard that had grown silent as they drunk in every word the lady was saying. Everyone turned to Sebastian staring with irritation. The lady on stage waited for the crowd to return their attention on her while doing so she stared ahead where the noise came from with a frowned on her face. Jake felt both gentlemen beside him stop breathing. While his heartbeat increased, this was the lady! The lady who might be able to save his reputation?

"So much for not drawing attention, gentleman," Foxie mumbled loud enough for all of them to hear then stood to her feet. "I beg ye pardon madam, it's my brother's first theatre visit and I'm afraid he got a bit excited, please continue."

"Thank you, kind Sir." The Actress nodded mistaking Gabrielle for a gentleman due to her disagreement to wear a gown this evening and with a smile, she started to recite her lines once again.

Gabrielle took back her seat glaring at them, those green eyes Jake notice shone more brightly in the dark. Jake notice her lack of enthusiasm, since revealing that her father wanted to control her once again, he had suspected that she had runway from the brute and although he was proud of her bravery –something he had lack years ago when she had pleaded with him to help her off the ship, Jake was worried. Pirate Bloodz, was not a man to cross especially if you were the Pirate's daughter.

"I apologize -- that's the lady I saw at the palace," Sebastian said softly.

"Are you sure? Her face is heavily powdered." Alejandro whispered. "If you mistake—"

"It's her," Sebastian growled.

After the confirmation was given, they sat suffering through the play until finally it came to an end, they even found themselves chuckling at some of the performers on the stage and joining the crowd standing to their feet in awe applause. The actress in question was the crowds' favourite and she curtsy deeply at the centre stage and the clapping of hands grew louder.

Whispers of the Sea (The Compulsion Bride Series) Book II (Unedited)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя