Part 11 ~Chapter Twenty ~Five

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Samantha sat in the large library, with all the books on medicine she could reached displayed on the long table, she was busy copying vital information in her personal journal along with making rough sketches, while keeping an eye on her daughter, who sat on the rug, learning English. Jake had travelled into town this morning and had not yet returned. Managing lots of estates, was causing her husband distress, and not to mention it was very time consuming, to the extent of Adelynn asking for her father throughout the days. She hasn't gotten use to his schedules since arriving in England, everything was perfect on the island and their journey; Adelynn had her father's attention; they were inseparable. Oh how, things had changed now, and Samantha had tried explaining to her daughter, as best as she could and with Alma keeping her occupied, Adelynn's fussing had gradually decreased.

"Mama, can I please play with my dolls?"

Samantha lifted her gaze and stare out the window. "It's time for luncheon, and after you may."

Adelynn expressed her excitement with a joyous scream and stood to her feet, pulling Alma along with her. "Thank you, mama!"

"Shall I bring a plate for you Lady Clairwood?" Alma asked, slowly falling in steps behind Adelynn, who grasped her hand, tightly.

With a shook of her head, Samantha stood as well. "I haven't the time, I have to change into my riding habits-- I'm in need of some fresh air." She exited the library with the girls and went to her chamber changing into one of her new riding attires of a lovely brown coloring. The seamstress had delivered all her clothing yesterday, they were all lovely and expensively done, she had never had so many clothing before, from bonnets, stockings, which she rarely used to ball gowns, boots, nightgowns, chemise, slippers and many other garments some of which she had no used for, especially the wedding trousseaus she had sighed ruefully and place it at the bottom of her trunk, it was her mistake for failing to inform the seamstress. Within minutes, Samantha was walking down the stairs, pulling the gloves on her hands. "Martin, I'll be out riding." She didn't need to search for the butler, somehow the man emerges out of nowhere whenever she called his name, of course it happens when she was in certain parts of the house.

"Be sure to be back before his grace's return."

Lifting her head, she saw him already standing at the door. "I will." She answered with a smile.


Samantha took the same path, Jake had shown her, it felt amazing racing through the fields with her hair becoming one with the wind and caressing her face. Pulling the reins of the horse, she brought Snow to a halt and patted its mane affectionally. "You're enjoying our rides, aren't you?" The horse neighed in agreement causing her to smile. Her gaze suddenly fell on the forest, Jake had been reluctant to show her and looking back at Snow, she said. "How about a little adventure?"

She sent the horse in a gallop in that direction it was almost evening, but she'll be back before dinner. This forest was much more clustered, and some paths needed some expert maneuvering. Snow was getting tired, and she led the horse to a small, beautiful stream. "Drink as much as you need." She said, dismounting the horse, she took a leisure walk along the stream and collected a few herbs and flowers. Snow came to find her after, and she pushed the items in the saddle pocket and mounted the horse. "let's go home." She led the horse away from the stream, turning Snow back in the direction they came from seems to be a problem as the horse wouldn't budge. "What wrong Snow? You don't wish to leave?"

The horse neigh and started stamping its feet. It took a moment for her to see the product of the horse's refusal as it came into view. It was a boar, a large one and it looked angry. Samantha stared frightfully at the animal, she heard of stories of it killing horse's and other creatures, humans. Snow must have heard her thoughts for the horse, neighed louder than before, rising its feet in the air before turning in the opposite direction and galloping away. Samantha held tightly onto the reins, her heart leaping to her throat, she looked behind, to see the boar making chase.

Whispers of the Sea (The Compulsion Bride Series) Book II (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now