Chapter Seventy Two

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Two months later....

The tiny droplets of rain that spring from the dark skies were like gentle kisses on Jake's face as he stood on the board walk in the harbour gazing at his ship. The king had kept it in good condition promising that it was as he left it months ago. England had won the war and things were buzzing back to normal, no one felt fearful or doubtful about the King's ability to protect his country in fact their trust in him had increased significantly and not to mention the Spaniards are now among those that won their trust, also. So many great changes had happen since the war ended.

It's the least he could say about himself.

Tommy and Samantha's death had changed him. Not for the better. It could never be a joyous changed, for it only prove how much everyone or thing he ever loved leaves him. That's why he always leaves first or tried to get them to stay with him forever.

His eyes clouded like the storm approaching and he swallowed back a sob, that's what he had done with Tommy. A boy whom he loved as his own and never wanted to leave his side. He tried to keep him aboard the ship, ignoring the dangers.

Tommy's death could have been avoided; knowing that had torture him for days and days had turned into weeks and weeks into months. It was his fault! If only he had let Halley took the boy as her ward. He saw how much she adores children and she was more than capable to take care of another. But he was selfish!

And Samantha, oh god, he couldn't go there. Squeezing his eyes shut, her beautiful smile flash before him.

"Captain, we don't have to go aboard today, we can always come back when you are ready."

His eyes opened and he turned to Fez, who agreed to accompany him claiming that he needed some of his belongs from the ship; Jake knew otherwise, Fez had seen the crestfallen expression he wore every day and didn't want him to be alone, at such a painful time while he visit the place where everything had started.

"No." Jake turned back to the ship. "Let us go aboard." The ship was eerie quiet as he set foot on deck and too occupied his mind, he pictured, his crew members Smity and even Tommy scurrying around the deck, shouting orders and conjuring friendly battering with each other. He turned away from the wishful scenery and with a swift movement removed his hat and went below.

"I'll head off to the Galley," He was vaguely aware of Fez's words as he cautiously tucked his hat under his arms and started to slowly move down the passageway. Everything was as the king said, the lanterns oil still hasn't been changed from the last voyage, dust kicked up in the air by the movement of his feet, spoke that he was the first occupant to visit in a while. He pushed open the Captain's cabin and heard the faint squeak of the hinges. He inhale a shaky breath, walking further into the room, opening the drawers of desk, he withdraw his ledgers. He flipped the pages of the one resting on top and his eyes rested on the last thing he wrote in it.

It was the same night, he made love to Samantha, and wordlessly he took the book and went to sit on the edge of the bed. It wasn't work he was writing that night, he couldn't concentrate on anything but her sitting on his armchair across from him.

A thunderous scream of nightmares terrified my innocent beauty,

As she sat their hurdled on the floor I wanted nothing more but to protect and held her.

Protect her from her nightmares,

Protect her from what's torturing her

Protect her from the world

But she can never be mines just the like the sea belongs to all,

Just like the sky belongs to the winged creatures, made for adventures,

Whispers of the Sea (The Compulsion Bride Series) Book II (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now