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Samantha raced up the small stairs and step out into the early morning atmosphere, it was quite chilly and hast had got her forgetting her shawl. Jake had told her last night that they would reach their destination in the morning and though she was excited, that wasn't the reason that got her on deck so early.

"Grayson Jake Clairwood! What have you done!" Samantha scolded, placing her hands on her hips as she watched Jake with their eleven-month-old son, on the wheel deck.

Christopher's tiny hands were on the wheel steering the ship. "I told you not to bring hm above so early, what if he catches a cold!"

Jake frowned prying his son from the wheel, the child started to fuss, and he quickly place him back to his amusement. "My dear, he's wearing the thickest cloak made by Alana for this journey besides, he started to cry, and I didn't want him to wake you."

Her eyes narrowed, as she made her way towards them. "And you thought he need to play captain, instead of feeding?"

Jake grinned. Removing his son from the behind the wheel, finally noticing his mother, his tiny arms reach for her. She hugged him to her chest and kissed the top of his golden curls. "Your father's so obsessive." She mumbled. It was the truth, even before Christopher was born, Jake had not left her side, if she so, much as breath to loud, or attempted the stairs alone, Jake had started to panic and even scolded her, it was both sweet and annoying at times and when Christopher was born, it was very difficult for anyone to get him to leave the child alone. She smiled, remembering the fond memories, she loved seeing him so happy.

Jake grinned. "I believe you're just jealous, did you miss me this morning?" He teased and with flushed cheeks, she was pulled towards him for a brief kiss. "Come,"

She followed him down the steps and to the bow of the ship. "Look, is it not magnificent?" He draped an arm over her shoulder.

"It's Spain." She said excitedly, looking up at him with a broad smile.

"Yes, and before we arrived, I have somethings to tell." He lowered his gaze. "I'll start with explaining about the necklace."

Finally. She thought.

"It has something to do with Gabrielle is it not?" She asked.

He nodded. "Yes, she assisted me to find you when you were kidnapped, but most importantly she can also get rid of your scars, so you can start wearing those scandalous gowns, you have been dreaming about wearing."

"I believe you were the one that has been dreaming such naughty thoughts."

"Hmm.........you are right." He mumbled, leaning in for a kiss when Adelynn called them from Halley's ship. They had planned to visit Spain soon, and Halley had insisted that they travel with her to avoid what happened years and Samantha couldn't have agreed more, with the Spanish ships surrounding them for protection, Samantha had felt safe. "Mama! Papa!"

They waved at her and the boys. That had just come on deck. Adelynn had insisted to spend the last week before they arrived at Spain with Charlotte and the boys. Mostly the boys, Charlotte was nowhere to be seen.

"Jake, don't you think, she's spending to much time with the boys?"

"Is this one of those trick questions?" He chuckled.

Samantha glared at him and smack him on the arm, playfully. "Yes, and the correct answer is also yes."

"Urmmm........yes, Indeed." He smirked. "But it's a good thing for when they get older, they would always protect her."

Jake was right, Samantha thought, resting her head on his shoulder. Besides she didn't have to worry about her daughter and boys for a couple of years.

And so, they watched as Spain became more vivid while listening to her husband talk about things, she was quite sure had never existed.

Magic, creatures...witches, but how could she not believe that they are real when she never thought that she'll be this happy....in love and with a family......She looked up at her husband who was smiling down at their son.

Yes, miracles do exist and for that she'll believe anything in this world. Especially the handsome sea captain, that had captured her heart. 

We have finally reached the end of Samantha's and Jake story - I really enjoyed writing about them and bringing you along on their journey to the point where I didn't want this story to end lol 😀

These last few chapters (have some scenes that wasn't included but will be included in the edited version to clear some things up)

I didn't want to give any spoilers from Gabrielle story which would be next 🙂 I'm so excited.

Thank you all my lovely readers for your encouragements and not giving up on this story 😘❤ besos

Have a wonderful holiday season -- Stay Safe

Thank you

Whispers of the Sea (The Compulsion Bride Series) Book II (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now